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ICS Research Awards are designed to

  • enhance research collaborations within ICS and beyond,
  • create the space and opportunities for new research initiatives to develop, and
  • build the foundations for major research funding efforts.

For more information on submissions deadlines and proposal review criteria, contact Darine Zaatari, Director of Research Development, at


PI Co-PI Proposal Title
Iftekhar Ahmed Gillian Hayes Unlocking Insights: Innovations in Qualitative Research Leveraging Large Language Models
Habiba Farrukh &
Alfred Chen
On the Security and Privacy of Emerging Mixed Reality Platforms
Joshua Garcia Sang-Woo Jun, Alberto Krone-Martins, Aparna Chandramowlishwaran, and Ian Harris ICS Exploration: Designing and Constructing Next-Generation Hardware Acceleration for Program Analysis
Faisal Nawab Stanislaw Jarecki Efficient Non-interactive Zero-Knowledge Proof for Arbitrary SQL Queries Verification
Tianchen Qian &
Hengrui Cai
Daniel Gillen Causal Discovery and Mediation Analysis for Precision Mobile Health
André van der Hoek Matt Bietz and Sergio Gago-Masague The Daily Smirk – Lightweight, High-Frequency, Contextualized Peer Assessment to Address Student Team Issues On-the-Go
Ardalan Amiri Sani &
Gene Tsudik
Exploration Proposal: Deepfakes with Verifiable Provenance
Stacy Branham Joshua Garcia, Mohammad Moshirpour, Jennifer Wong-Ma, Veronica Berrocal Accessing STEM in Higher Education
Roy Fox Alexander Ihler and Padhraic Smyth ICS Exploration: Safe Transfer from Simulation to Deployment
Marco Levorato Alfred Chen ICS Research Award: Secure and Efficient Remote Operator Support to Vehicular Autonomy
Ioannis Panageas &
Vijay Vazirani
Matching Markets and Machine Learning

View Past Research Awards

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