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Computer science student Hannan Hussain, a recent recipient of the Creativity & Entrepreneurship Scholarship, developed what would become Intern Guys during his time in the ANTrepreneur Center’s Innovation & Entrepreneurship Internship program.

Internships provide students and early-career talent with valuable experience. Finding and applying for internships, however, is often an unpleasant and time-consuming task that has remained unchanged for years. Taking from their own experiences, Intern Guys — a UCI student-founded startup — is taking aim at the troubled field of internship boards and plans to make finding an internship a one-stop shop.

“The whole experience for internships has always been more catered toward recruiters,” said Hannan Hussain, founder of Intern Guys and fourth-year computer science student at UC Irvine. “But we’re trying to flip that switch and say ‘Hey interns, we want to help you get an internship’ because it’s really competitive. Our platform is catered toward the people looking for internships.”

Read the full story at UCI Beall Applied Innovation