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15 results found
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Angela Castillo

Stephen Choi

Rina Dechter
Distinguished Professor and Associate Dean for Research
Computer Science
Dean's Office
DBH 4232
Martin Dominguez Jr.
Magda El Zarki
Professor, ICS Equity Advisor and Informatics
Computer Science
Dean's Office
DBH 3216
Sandy Irani
Professor and Associate Dean for Student Affairs
Computer Science
Dean's Office
DBH 4042
Janine Magpusao

Katerine Miller

Marios Papaefthymiou
Professor and Ted and Janice Smith Family Foundation Dean
Computer Science
Dean's Office
DBH 6212
Heike Rau
Madhu Reddy
Professor and Associate Dean for Graduate Programs
Dean's Office and Student Affairs, Graduate
DBH 5086
Andre van der Hoek
Professor and Associate Dean for Academic Affairs
Dean's Office
ISEB 2426
Casey Wong

Darine Zaatari