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Professor Amiri Sani’s Research Group Wins 2020 Android Security and PrIvacy REsearch (ASPIRE) Award

Amir Sani research groupComputer Science Assistant Professor Ardalan Amiri Sani’s research group has won the 2020 Android Security and PrIvacy REsearch (ASPIRE) Award for their work on securing the Android operating system using system call filtering. Amiri Sani and two of the Ph.D. students in his group (Hsin-Wei Hung and Yingtong Liu) are currently leading this effort.

ASPIRE was launched in 2018. According to Google Security Blog:“ASPIRE’s goal is encouraging the development of new security and privacy technology that impacts the Android ecosystem in the next two to five years, but isn’t planned for mainline Android development. This timeframe extends beyond the next annual Android release to allow adequate time to analyze, develop, and stabilize research into features before including in the platform.”