To Understand The Problem, You Must Understand The People: A Human-Centered Approach Towards Creating An Inclusion and Equitable Society
Department: Informatics
Quarter: Winter 2022
Seminar Date: Jan 21, 2022
Speaker Name:
Earl Huff Jr.
Earl Huff Jr.
Clemson University
Clemson University
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Earl Huff Jr. is a Doctoral Candidate studying Human-Centered Computing in the School of Computing at Clemson University. He is a Research Assistant in the Design and Research of In-Vehicle Experienc…
Earl Huff Jr. is a Doctoral Candidate studying Human-Centered Computing in the School of Computing at Clemson University. He is a Research Assistant in the Design and Research of In-Vehicle Experienc…
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Computer and information technology are increasingly becoming an important factor in shaping how society advances across several domains. In transportation, for example, we see advances in automated …
Computer and information technology are increasingly becoming an important factor in shaping how society advances across several domains. In transportation, for example, we see advances in automated …
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