How the Arts Can Save Education: Transforming Teaching, Learning, and Instruction
Department: Informatics
Quarter: Winter 2022
Seminar Date: Feb 11, 2022
Speaker Name:
Erica Halverson
Erica Halverson
University of Wisconsin-Madison
University of Wisconsin-Madison
Start Time:
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Speaker Website:
E. Halverson is a Professor in Curriculum & Instruction at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Her research explores how people learn in and through the arts, which one can read about in her forthco…
E. Halverson is a Professor in Curriculum & Instruction at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Her research explores how people learn in and through the arts, which one can read about in her forthco…
Photo Link: //
The age of accountability in education is losing its momentum. Education is in a time of profound change. We are increasingly aware of how learning outside of school provides life-giving opportunitie…
The age of accountability in education is losing its momentum. Education is in a time of profound change. We are increasingly aware of how learning outside of school provides life-giving opportunitie…
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