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Fellowship - Spring 2022

Name Amount Criteria Requirements Due Date Source Website Awardee(s)
Microsoft Research PhD Fellowship Tuition and fees will be covered for two academic years and $42,000 USD stipend Must be in an enrolled PhD program researching a specific topic outlines on website. Application, CV, Thesis Proposal, One-page thesis summary, 3 letters of recommendation 06/10/2022 External Link
National Institutes of Health (NIH) Tuition, fees, health insurance, training related expenses; limited to 5yrs for predoctoral and 3yrs for postdoctoral. Predoctoral: $23,376, Postdoctoral: stipend based on yrs of experience U.S. citizen, non-citizen national, or lawfully admitted to U.S. for permanent residence before award is issued; those with temporary student visas are ineligible. Notify academic program of application, work with faculty advisor to identify research area, begin online application; should focus on biomedical and behavioral research, applicants are assessed for overall impact and commitment to a productive, independent scientific research career in health-related field; includes sponsor's research qualifications, training potential Ongoing- Check Website External Link
Phi Beta Kappa International $2,000 PhD or MFA student, final year of study, returning to home country after graduation, academic excellence and significant need PBK application form, faculty recommendation form, short essay on scholarly and professional ambitions, 2 letters of recommendation, justification of need, trans 2022 Date TBD (4/16/2021) Grad Division Link
Steckler Family Endowed Fellowship The fellowship will cover fees and tuition (if applicable), and a $10,000 quarterly stipend for the 2022-23 Academic Year. Please understand that this fellowship is in lieu of any other fellowship you currently hold. Full-time enrollment, UC Cumulative GPA of 3.5, must enroll full-time in 12 units during each quarter of fellowship tenure, must have advanced to candidacy at the time of application Current CV, Unofficial transcript, statement by the applicant of no more than 2-3 pages in length, describing their commitment and activities to promote computing to women, confidential evaluation of the student by their faculty advisor 04/28/2022 ICS- Internal Xi Lu
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