Gopi Meenakshisundaram
Dr. Meenakshisundaram’s research can be considered under the broad areas of computer graphics, computer vision, and HCI. His research usually has a strong flavor of geometry, topology, graph algorithms, user-interaction and collaboration.
Ph.D., University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, 2001
Research Areas
View Computer Graphics and Vision
Computer Graphics and Vision
Generating, capturing, representing, rendering and interacting with synthetic and real-world images and video...
View Human-Computer Interaction
Human-Computer Interaction
Understanding how people adopt, adapt and respond to information systems...
Recent News
View $1.4 million awarded for Alzheimer’s disease research training (UCI News)
$1.4 million awarded for Alzheimer’s disease research training (UCI News)
View UCI News: “UCI wins 5-year, $14M NIH grant to study brain circuits susceptible to aging, Alzheimer’s disease”