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AI Meets Software Engineering

Hoa Khanh Dam

Professor in Software Engineering, Director for the Decision System Lab, University of Wollongong (UOW)

Abstract: Artificial Intelligence (AI) has started making a substantial impact to many parts of our society, and is predicted to disrupt how we produce, manufacture, and deliver. AI is transforming the practice of software engineering in many aspects. In this talk, I will discuss our recent work on developing a range of AI-powered technologies for supporting software project management (e.g., delay prediction, effort estimation, risk prediction and mitigation), improving software quality (e.g., defect prediction and technical debt management) and cybersecurity (e.g., security and privacy vulnerability prediction), and engineering AIoT applications for environmental management.

Bio: Hoa Khanh Dam is Professor in Software Engineering at University of Wollongong (UOW) in Australia. He is Director for the Decision System Lab at UOW. He was Deputy Head of School (Research) & Head of Postgraduate Studies in the School of Computing and Information Technology at UOW. His research focuses on developing AI-powered solutions for project managers, software engineers, QA and security teams to improve software quality/cybersecurity and accelerate productivity. He also works on methodologies and techniques for developing AI/IoT autonomous and cyber resilient systems. His research has won multiple Best Paper Awards and an ACM SIGSOFT Distinguished Paper Award. His work has been published in the top venues in software engineering journals (IEEE TSE, JSS, EMSE) and conferences (ICSE, ASE, FSE), AI/intelligent agents (IJCAI, AAMAS), and service-oriented computing (ICSOC, IEE TSC). He is Deputy Editor in Chief for Springer’s Automated Software Engineering journal. He has served as Program Chair, Organization Chair, Guest Editor, Journal Editorial Board, Steering Committee and (Senior) Program Committees for various international conferences and journals in his areas of expertise.

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