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Maya Lee

Maya Lee’s journey to studying computer science at UC Irvine’s Donald Bren School of Information and Computer Sciences (ICS) started at an impressively young age. In middle school, she attended computer science camps that ignited a passion for this field, leading her to immerse herself in various computer science-related activities over the years.

“Deciding to major in computer science for college was a no-brainer to me by the time I was applying,” says Lee, who is graduating this spring with her bachelor’s degree in computer science and a minor in informatics. “UC Irvine was one of my top choices because the Bren School of ICS is its own school, which is uncommon compared to other universities across the country.”

She added that UCI’s culture and “quirky Anteater mascot” sealed the deal for her to commit to the university, where she has thrived academically and found mentorship from computer science professors Jennifer Wong-Ma and Michael Shindler, who have taught her “a lot about CS, education, and life in general.” Inspired by their impact, Lee has contributed back to the ICS community in her role as an ICS tutor, where she works alongside teaching staff to support students in their courses.

Beyond her tutoring responsibilities, Lee is involved in the Women in Information and Computer Sciences (WICS) club that supports women in computing, serving as the 2023-2024 co-president.

“As gender diversity in technology still has room to improve, WICS has been a safe space to make connections with individuals who are a little more like me. My first experience in CS was hosted by a group very similar to WICS, so I appreciate the opportunity to give back to the women in tech community and to inspire the next generation,” she says.

Maya Lee lying on top of colorful balls and plushies of the Android green robot, holding one of the plushies in her hands.

Lee’s dedication to her studies and extracurricular activities prepared her well for her professional career: she has interned at Google three times. Reflecting on her internships, Lee recalled how they provided her with invaluable real-world experience.

“Google is such a fun place to intern! I’m so grateful for the opportunity to work at this cool and impactful place, and I learned so much from my internships there,” says Lee. “[T]he real-life experience of being a software engineer, writing code and submitting it to run on real people’s phones, is a completely different challenge from school. The most directly useful skills I used from school were learning how to test code, how to use Git, all things debugging, and practice working in a team.”

Outside of her academic and professional pursuits, Lee finds balance in her hobbies, including playing piano, singing, making arts and crafts and, most recently, taking boxing and Krav Maga classes at the Anteater Recreation Center. After graduating, she plans to have a relaxing and fun summer filled with travels and time with family before returning to Google in the fall as a full-time software engineer working on YouTube.

Her advice to her fellow ICS peers echoes her own experiences learning and growing at UCI: “Put yourself out there!” She encourages students to explore diverse opportunities, participate in clubs, take classes outside their major and more.

“There’s so many opportunities at UCI but you’re not going to know about them unless you’re connected to the community! Choosing to say ‘Yes’ to things made me so much more active and led me to a more fulfilling life,” she says.

— Karen Phan

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