Threat to Real-world Deep Learning Systems: Practical Attacks and Security Measures
Department: Computer Science
Quarter: Spring 2019
Seminar Date: Apr 12, 2019
Speaker Name:
Yunhan Jia
Yunhan Jia
Baidu X-Lab
Baidu X-Lab
Start Time:
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Speaker Website:
Yunhan Jia is a Senior Security Scientist at Baidu USA, and is currently leading the AI security research at Baidu X-Lab. Yunhan received his Ph.D. from University of Michigan, and his research inter…
Yunhan Jia is a Senior Security Scientist at Baidu USA, and is currently leading the AI security research at Baidu X-Lab. Yunhan received his Ph.D. from University of Michigan, and his research inter…
Photo Link:
Deep Neural networks (DNNs) have been shown to be vulnerable against carefully crafted adversarial inputs. While the arms race between attack and defense techniques of DNNs have been going on for a …
Deep Neural networks (DNNs) have been shown to be vulnerable against carefully crafted adversarial inputs. While the arms race between attack and defense techniques of DNNs have been going on for a …
Alfred Chen
Alfred Chen
Host Notes:
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