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The Information and Computer Sciences Student Council (ICSSC) hosted WebJam 2023, its annual week-long hackathon that teaches students how to build web applications, from Nov. 13-17. Throughout the week, ICSSC, Hack at UCI, Commit the Change and Design at UCI hosted workshops that taught students various skills and tools related to web development.

WebJam 2023 winners with WebJam 2023 organizers and judges.
GE-Z, ZotTrees and FishGPT with WebJam 2023 organizers and judges Darren Denenberg, Matthew Bietz and Mark Baldwin. (Photo credit: John Daniel Norombaba/ICSSC)

Here are the three winning WebJam 2023 projects:

First place: GE-Z

GE-Z helps students find community college courses that satisfy UCI’s general education (GE) requirements. After students select a GE category, the app presents a list of community college courses that articulate over to UCI and fulfill the GE requirement.

GE-Z was created by:

  • Uno Pasadhika first-year computer science major
  • Alan Tran first-year computer science & engineering major
  • Andrew Wang first-year computer science major
  • Kevin Wufirst-year computer science major

Second Place: ZotTrees

ZotTrees is an app that empowers users to manage and track their daily habits across three categories: social, academic and personal. With features such as AI-generated suggestions and summaries of users’ recent activity, ZotTrees fosters positive routines and personal growth.

ZotTrees was created by:

  • Dalton Adcock – first-year computer science major
  • Steven Caofirst-year computer science & engineering major
  • Shayan Halder – first-year software engineering major
  • Jasmine Wu – first-year cognitive science & computer science double major

Third Place: FishGPT

According to the FishGPT team, “FishGPT is an online chatbot built with ChatGPT that allows a user to simultaneously watch a fish and ask it questions to be answered! It uses computer vision to track the fish’s location in the tank to select a response and simulate different fish emotions and moods.”

FishGPT was created by:

  • Dylan Vufourth-year computer science major
  • Casey Tranfourth-year computer science major
  • Duong Vufourth-year computer science major
  • Sharon Mathird-year computer science major

— Karen Phan

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