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Richard Taylor, director of UCI’s Institute for Software Research and Chancellor’s Professor Emeritus of Informatics, will be honored with the Distinguished Engineering Alumni Award (DEAA) from his alma mater the University of Colorado, Boulder.

The DEAA honors alumni who have distinguished themselves through outstanding personal qualities, knowledge and significant contributions to their fields. Award winners fall into one of five categories: education, research and invention, government service, industry and commerce, and private practice. Taylor’s DEAA for education recognizes his contributions to computer science and to CU Boulder’s College of Engineering and Applied Science. He will be honored with the other DEAA recipients at the Engineering Awards Banquet this spring.

Taylor, who earned his M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in computer science from CU Boulder, officially retired from teaching in 2013, but continues to actively publish research on the design, techniques and agents involved in creating and evolving software artifacts and processes. He has advised some 30 Ph.D. candidates and mentored countless students during his nearly 35 years as a UCI professor.

Read more about Taylor and the DEAA on the CU Boulder website.

Richard Taylor
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