- class framework.baseline.BaseScenarioRunner.BaseScenarioRunner(container: apollo.ApolloContainer.ApolloContainer)
Scenario runner for the baseline technique, i.e., 1 ADS instance with simulated constant speed obstacle
- Parameters
container (ApolloContainer) – the Apollo container
- init_scenario()
Initialize the scenario
- run_scenario(generation_name: str, scenario_name: str, save_record=False) List[Tuple[int, framework.scenario.ad_agents.ADAgent]]
Main function to execute the scenario
- Parameters
generation_name (str) – generation name
scenario_name (str) – scenario name
save_record (bool) – if the record files should be saved
- Returns
obstacles participated in the scenario, in the form (ID, ADAgent)
- Return type
List[Tuple[int, ADAgent]]
- set_scenario(s: framework.scenario.Scenario)
Set the scenario for the runner
- Parameters
s (Scenario) – scenario to be executed
- class framework.baseline.DynamicObstacleManager.DynamicObstacleManager(obs: List[framework.scenario.ad_agents.ADAgent], nids: List[int])
A simplified modeling of constant speed obstacles
- Parameters
obs (List[ADAgent]) – list of obstacles to be managed
- Nids List[int]
list of ids
- calculate_position(ad: framework.scenario.ad_agents.ADAgent, speed: float, time_spent_driving: float) Tuple[modules.common.proto.geometry_pb2.PointENU, float]
Calculate the position of the obstacle based on its speed and time spent driving
- Parameters
ad (ADAgent) – the obstacle representation
speed (float) – the speed of the obstacle
time_spent_driving (float) – the amount of time the obstacle has been traveling
- Returns
the position and heading of the obstacle
- Return type
Tuple[PointENU, float]
- get_obstacles(curr_time: float) List[modules.perception.proto.perception_obstacle_pb2.PerceptionObstacle]
Get a list of PerceptionObstacle messages ready to be published
- Parameters
curr_time (float) – scenario time
- Returns
list of PerceptionObstacle messages
- Return type
- class framework.baseline.liability_checker.CollisionLiabilityChecker.CollisionLiabilityChecker(record_path: str)
Checker to see if a scenario includes rear-end collision
- Parameters
record_path (str) – filename of the record file
- get_results() dict
Get the result of this analysis
- Returns
the analysis result
- Return type
- is_adc_completely_stopped() bool
Check if the ADC is completely stopped
- Returns
True if stopped, False otherwise
- Return type
- on_new_message_callback(topic: str, message, t: float)
Process a new record trace
- Parameters
topic (str) – channel of the trace
message (any) – the actual message from the trace
t (float) – the timestamp of the trace
- start()
Start to analyze the record file