Note we provide 11 oracles in the release, but only used 4 of them for the paper. Hence we will only be providing documentation for the used ones and a quick tutorial on Defining Your Own Oracle. Please refer to our main paper listed in Publication for a formal definition of the 4 oracles used.
- class framework.oracles.RecordAnalyzer(record_path: str)
Record analyzer, used for analyzing cyber record files
- Parameters
record_path (str) – filename of the record
- analyze() List[Tuple]
Analyze the record file and retrieve results from each of the oracles
- Returns
list of violations
- Return type
- get_results() List[Tuple]
Retrieve results from each of the oracles
- Returns
list of violations
- Return type
- register_oracles()
Register oracles to be used
- class framework.oracles.OracleInterface.OracleInterface
Interface that defines how a oracle should be implemented
- abstract get_interested_topics() List[str]
Returns a list of topics this oracle is interested in. The oracle manager will call
for this oracle when a message from its interested topic is parsed- Returns
list of topics
- Return type
- abstract get_result() List
Returns a list of violations from this oracle
- Returns
list of violations
- Return type
- abstract on_new_message(topic: str, message, t)
Called when a message from a interested topic is parsed, i.e., this function should define what the oracle should do for messages it is interested in
- class framework.oracles.OracleManager.OracleManager
Helper class to organize all oracles
- get_results() List[Tuple]
Retrieve the violations analyzed from each of the oracles
- Returns
all violations detected
- Return type
- on_new_message(topic, message, t)
for each of the oracle interested in a specific topic- Parameters
topic (str) – the topic of the message
message (any) – actual message data
t (float) – timestamp of the message
- register_oracle(oracle: framework.oracles.OracleInterface.OracleInterface)
Register a specific oracle
- Parameters
oracle (OracleInterface) – oracle to be registered
- class framework.oracles.ViolationTracker.ViolationTracker
Helper class to track violations detected during scenario generation
- add_violation(gname, sname, record_file, mt, st, data, force=True) bool
Adds a violation to the tracker
- Parameters
gname (str) – generation name
sname (str) – scenario name
record_file (str) – name of the record file
mt (str) – main type of the violation
st (str) – sub type of the violation
data (any) – any underlying data to distinguish violation
force (bool) – forcing add even if it is a duplicate
- Returns
True if added, False otherwise
- Return type
- clear()
Clears all tracked violations
- static get_instance() framework.oracles.ViolationTracker.ViolationTracker
Gets the singleton instance
- Returns
- Return type
- print()
Helper function to print tracked violations to terminal
- save_to_file()
Save the tracked violations to a csv file in
- class framework.oracles.impl.CollisionOracle.CollisionOracle
The Collision Oracle is responsibe for determining whether a collision occurred between the ADC instance and another road traffic participants.
- get_interested_topics()
The collision oracle is interested in Localization messages and Perception messages.
- get_result() List[Tuple]
Returns violations detected by this oracle, the obstacle’s ID is included in the output to distinguish between pedestrian and vehicle
- Returns
all violations detected by this oracle
- Return type
- is_adc_completely_stopped() bool
Helper function to check if the ADS instance is completely stopper or not.
- Returns
True if completely stopped
- Return type
- on_new_message(topic: str, message, t)
Upon receiving a new planning/perception message, the oracle analyzes the position of the ADS instance and position of all obstacles to determine whether a collision occurred, i.e., the distance between 2 objects is 0
- Parameters
topic (str) – topic of the message
message (any) – either Planning or Localization message
t (float) – the timestamp
- class framework.oracles.impl.ModuleOracle.ModuleOracle
The Module Oracle is responsible for determining whether the routing module failed. One root cause of this violation is the HD Map missing predecessor/successor information so that the routing module failed to find a valid route. We have fixed the issue with
by updating the HD Map. (More details in Apollo Issue #14529)- get_interested_topics()
The module oracle is interested in Routing messages only
- get_result() List[Tuple]
Returns violations detected by this oracle
- on_new_message(topic: str, message, t)
Upon receiving 1 routing response, the scenario passes this oracle
- Parameters
topic (str) – topic of the message
message (any) – either Planning or Localization message
t (float) – the timestamp
- class framework.oracles.impl.StopSignOracle.StopSignOracle
The Stop Sign Oracle is responsible for checking if the ADS instance made a complete stop before crossing a stop line controlled by a stop sign. After the oracle detects the ADS instance crossing a stop line, it looks backward to check if the ADS stopped for stop sign by looking at its main planning decision and its speed trace.
- check_if_adc_intersecting_any_stop_lines() str
Check if the AV is intersecting any stop line
- Returns
the ID of the stop line intersecting with, or empty string
- Return type
- get_interested_topics()
The stop sign oracle is interested in Planning messages and Localization messages. Localization messages are used to check if the AV is crossing a stop line, and check if the AV’s speed reached 0.0 m/s. Planning messages are used to check if the AV’s main decision was indeed for the stop sign, not stopping for other reasons (e.g., obstacle)
- get_result() List[Tuple]
Returns a list of violations from this oracle
- is_planning_main_decision_to_stop_at_stop_sign(planning_message: modules.planning.proto.planning_pb2.ADCTrajectory, stop_sign_id: str) bool
Given a planning message, check if its main decision is to stop for stop sign
- Returns
True if includes a stop sign stop decision, False otherwise
- Return type
- on_new_message(topic: str, message, t)
Upon receiving a planning/localization message, this oracle may not perform any analysis if the AV is not crossing any stop line. Once the oracle detects it is crossing a stop line, it looks at messages cached and analyze whether the AV stopped for the stop sign before crossing the stop line.
- Parameters
topic (str) – topic of the message
message (any) – either Planning or Localization message
t (float) – the timestamp
- parse_stop_sign_stop_line_string_on_map(map_parser: hdmap.MapParser.MapParser) None
Parse and store stop line for every stop sign on the map
- Parameters
map_parser (MapParser) – the MapParser singleton instance
- prune_old_messages() None
Remove messages that are too old, i.e., only keep the last 200 messages for analyzing
- reset_all_oracle_states() None
Resets all oracle states
- static was_adc_completely_stopped(past_localization) bool
Given a localization message, check if the AV completely stopped
- Returns
True if completely stopped, False otherwise
- Return type
- class framework.oracles.impl.TrafficSignalOracle.TrafficSignalOracle
The Traffic Signal Oracle is responsible for checking if the ADS instance violates a red light signal. When the AV is facing a red light signal and the AV is already intersecting the stop line, it should not have positive speed because it should have stopped before the stop line. If the AV stopped, also check if its main decision is to stop for the traffic signal.
- check_if_adc_intersecting_any_stop_lines() str
Check if the AV is intersecting any stop line
- Returns
the ID of the signal controlling that stop line, or empty string
- Return type
- get_interested_topics()
The traffic signal oracle is interested in Localization, Traffic Light, and Planning messages. Localization messages are used for checking AV’s speed and whether it is crossing a stop line, Traffic Light messages are used for checking if the AV is facing a red signal, and Planning messages are used for checking if the AV made a stop decision for the signal.
- get_result() List[Tuple]
Returns a list of violations from this oracle
- is_adc_completely_stopped() bool
Check if the AV is currently stopped
- Returns
True if stopped, False otherwise
- Return type
- is_planning_main_decision_to_stop_at_traffic_signal(planning_message: modules.planning.proto.planning_pb2.ADCTrajectory, traffic_signal_id: str) bool
Check if the AV’s main decision is stop for the traffic signal with the specified ID
- Returns
True if a stop decision for the specified signal ID is made, False otherwise
- Return type
- on_new_message(topic: str, message, t)
Upon receiving a new message, the oracle saves the message to analyze later if the AV is not crossing a stop line. Once it is crossing a stop line, it checks if it has a positive speed. To further gurantee the correctness of this oracle, we also attempt to check whether the AV made a complete stop for the signal before crossing the stop line.
- Parameters
topic (str) – topic of the message
message (any) – either Planning or Localization message
t (float) – the timestamp
- parse_traffic_signal_stop_line_string_on_map(map_parser: hdmap.MapParser.MapParser) None
Parse and store stop line for every traffic signal on the map