- class hdmap.MapParser.MapParser(filename: str)
Class to load and parse HD Map
- Parameters
filename (str) – filename of the HD Map
- get_coordinate_and_heading(lane_id: str, s: float) Tuple[modules.common.proto.geometry_pb2.PointENU, float]
Given a lane_id and a point on the lane, get the actual coordinate and the heading at that point.
- Parameters
lane_id (str) – ID of the lane intereted in
s (float) – meters away from the start of the lane
- Returns
coordinate and heading in a tuple
- Return type
Tuple[PointENU, float]
- get_crosswalk_by_id(cw_id: str) modules.map.proto.map_crosswalk_pb2.Crosswalk
Get a specific crosswalk object based on ID
- Parameters
cw_id (str) – ID of the crosswalk interested in
- Returns
crosswalk object
- Return type
- get_crosswalks() List[str]
Get a list of all crosswalk IDs on the HD Map
- Returns
list of crosswalk IDs
- Return type
- static get_instance()
Get the singleton instance of MapParser
- get_junction_by_id(j_id: str) modules.map.proto.map_junction_pb2.Junction
Get a specific junction object based on ID
- Parameters
j_id (str) – ID of the junction interested in
- Returns
junction object
- Return type
- get_junctions() List[str]
Get a list of all junction IDs on the HD Map
- Returns
list of junction IDs
- Return type
- get_lane_by_id(l_id: str) modules.map.proto.map_lane_pb2.Lane
Get a specific junction object based on ID
- Parameters
l_id (str) – ID of the lane interested in
- Returns
lane object
- Return type
- get_lane_central_curve(lane_id: str) shapely.geometry.linestring.LineString
Gets the central curve of the lane.
- Parameters
lane_id (str) – ID of the lane interested in
- Returns
an object representing the lane’s central curve
- Rypte
- get_lane_length(lane_id: str) float
Gets the length of the lane.
- Parameters
lane_id (str) – ID of the lane interested in
- Returns
length of the lane
- Return type
- get_lanes() List[str]
Get a list of all lane IDs on the HD Map
- Returns
list of lane IDs
- Return type
- get_lanes_not_in_junction() Set[str]
Get the set of all lanes that are not in the junction.
- Returns
ID of lanes who is not in a junction
- Return type
- get_path_from(lane_id: str) List[List[str]]
Get possible paths starting from a specified lane
- Parameters
lane_id (str) – ID of the starting lane
- Returns
list of possible paths, each consisten multiple lanes
- Return type
- get_signal_by_id(s_id: str) modules.map.proto.map_signal_pb2.Signal
Get a specific signal object based on ID
- Parameters
s_id (str) – ID of the signal interested in
- Returns
signal object
- Return type
- get_signals() List[str]
Get a list of all signal IDs on the HD Map
- Returns
list of signal IDs
- Return type
- get_signals_wrt(signal_id: str) List[Tuple[str, str]]
Get signals that have constraint with the specified signal
- Parameters
signal_id (str) – ID of the signal interested in
- Returns
list of tuple each indicates the signal and the constraint
- Return type
List[Tuple[str, str]]
- Example
[('signal_5', 'EQ'), ('signal_6', 'NE')]
should have the same color,signal_6
cannot be green if the signal passed in is green.
- get_stop_sign_by_id(ss_id: str) modules.map.proto.map_stop_sign_pb2.StopSign
Get a specific stop sign object based on ID
- Parameters
ss_id (str) – ID of the stop sign interested in
- Returns
stop sign object
- Return type
- get_stop_signs() List[str]
Get a list of all stop sign IDs on the HD Map
- Returns
list of stop sign IDs
- Return type
- is_conflict_lanes(lane_id1: List[str], lane_id2: List[str]) bool
Check if 2 groups of lanes intersect with each other
- Parameters
lane_id1 (List[str]) – list of lane ids
lane_id2 (List[str]) – another list of lane ids
- Returns
True if at least 1 lane from lhs intersects with another from rhs, False otherwise.
- Return type
- load_crosswalks()
Load crosswalks on the HD Map
- load_junctions()
Load junctions on the HD Map
- load_lanes()
Load lanes on the HD Map
- load_signals()
Load traffic signals on the HD Map
- load_stop_signs()
Load stop signs on the HD Map
- parse_lane_relations()
Analyze the relation between lanes (e.g., which lane is connected to which lane)
- Note
the relation is supposed to be included in the HD Map via predecessor and successor relation, but experimentally we found HD Map may be buggy and leave out some information, causing Routing module to fail.
- parse_relations()
Parse relations between signals and junctions, lanes and junctions, and lanes and signals
- parse_signal_relations()
Analyze the relation between signals (e.g., signals that cannot be green at the same time)