The Yuska M'Malcov Miller Family

(1842/3 - September 6, 1914), son of Pesach Dovid Miller,
was born in Malcov, Slovakia, and lived in the area of Lenartov & Bardejov, Slovakia. He was married to Chaya Sandezer and they had 4 sons. In the records for Saros county there is recorded that Chaja nee SANDECZER, wife of grocer Josef MÜLLER, died 30 Jun 1903, age 60, born in Gorlice, residence Malyczo, father Illes SANDECZER, mother's name not recorded.
After Chaya passed away he remarried, to a woman who only spoke German. They had no children together. His death from a heart-attack is in the Bardejov record books, with him living at Kossuth Lajos u.48, 71 years old, widower, late wife Chaje SZANDECZER, late parents Peisach David MÜLLER and Chane Ritta GRÜNWALD, heart attack. Informant Herman FRANK. His tombstone in Bardejov reflects the same date of death, with his yahrtzeit as 15 Elul. |
- Chaskel
(186? - 1927/8), of Obrucna, Slovakia, was married to his cousin, Multsha Miller & they had 6 children. After his father-in-law, Shabsi Miller, passed away, Chaskel moved to Krynica, Poland, where he had a hotel, the Villa Tatarska.
- Eilish was married and lived in Mielec, Galicia. He had no children.
He perished in the Holocaust.
- Mylech was married and lived in Krynica. He was a talmid chochum. He owned the Villa New York
together with his younger brother, Shaul. His entire family perished in the Holocaust.
- Avrohm was married and lived in Krynica. His entire family perished in the Holocaust.
- Fannie (1889 - 1942?) was married to Herschel Frank. They had 5 children.
They & their son, Shoni, perished in the Holocaust.
Klara, Shoni, Ilona, Senen, & Rosa
- Shaul (1904 - 1942) was married and lived in Krynica. He was a talmid chochum. He owned the Villa New York
together with his older brother, Mylech. He tried to escape by going to Bardejov, Slovakia, in the beginning of the war.
His entire family perished in the Holocaust.
- Rochel (1905 - 1942?) was married to R. Nuta Shlomo Schlissel.
They lived in Krynica, & later in Mukachevo, where he was a dayan. They had 5 children.
The entire family, except for Zeeshka, perished in the Holocaust.
Zeeshka, Chaya, Malka, Yechezkel, & Chaim Eliezer
- Avrohm Aba
(c1866 - 1936 [7 Kislev]) of Stropkov, Slovakia, was married to Hena Treitle (18? - 1943 [15 Adar I]) & they had 12 children, 10 of which survived to adulthood. All of the children, except for Itcha, perished in the Holocaust together with most of their families. Melody Amsel ( lists
MULLER Eduard (Cheskel), Sept. 15, 1912 (Stropkov),
storekeeper, transported Mar. 28, 1942, Stropkov to Zilina, arrived in
Auschwitz June 20, 1942, prisoner #40059, perished July 20, 1942
Zofia, Sept. 11, 1910 (Michalovce), transported May 23, 1942, from Stropkov, perished |
MULLER Geza, Apr. 9, 1893 (Sandal-Rovna), farmer, exemption, details unknown, perished
Shimon, Sept. 2, 1904 (Sandal), exemption, details unknown, perished |
MULLER Hanny Treitel, Feb. 1, 1870 (Stropkov), grandmother, grocer, exemption, details unknown, perished
Berta (Breindel), Oct. 14, 1898 (Stropkov ), daughter, exemption, details unknown, perished
Mozes (Moishe), July 13, 1920 (Stropkov), grandson, deported
from Presov, arrived in Auschwitz June 21, 1942, prisoner #40055, perished
July 14, 1942
Serena (Sara), Feb. 10, 1928, exemption, granddaughter,
details unknown, perished
Moishe Aron, June 1, 1932, exemption, grandson, details
unknown, perished
Heinrich (Chaim), Dec. 15, 1904 (Stropkov), son,
grocer, transported May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Zilina, perished in Auschwitz
Sept. 1, 1942
Gizela Fried, 25.1907 (Vranov), Heinrich's wife,
details unknown, perished
Veva (Blimu), Nov. 25, 1934 (Stropkov), granddaughter,
details unknown, perished
Serena (Sara), Feb. 26, 1936 (Stropkov), granddaughter,
details unknown, perished
Malvina (Malka), July 23, 1937 (Stropkov), details
unknown, perished
Abie, date unknown (Stropkov), details unknown, perished |
MULLER Isak (Itsche), Apr. 27, 1907 (Stropkov), storekeeper, exemption, fled to Hungary, transported 1944 to Auschwitz, survived
Lila (Lea, Lytchu) Fogel, May 29, 1912 (Dubove), exemption,
details unknown, survived
Avraham (Avrum, Aba), July 7, 1938 (Stropkov), exemption,
details unknown, perished
Mozes, July 4, 1940 (Stropkov), exemption , details
unknown, perished
Josef, May 31, 1942 (Stropkov), details unknown,
perished |
MULLER-FRIEDMANN Julius, Nov. 8, 1907 (Valassa Bela), transported May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Rejowiec, perished
Helena Friedmann (daughter of Salamon Friedmann), Jan. 6, 1909 (Stropkov), transported May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Rejowiec, perished
Osias Friedmann, Mar. 14, 1940 (Stropkov), transported
May 23, 1942, Stropkov to Rejowiec, perished |
- Moshe (April 14, 1890 - 1942) of Presov, Slovakia, was married to his second cousin,
Sarah Freidle Schermer, & had 8 children. The entire family, except for Blimu, perished in the Holocaust.
Lytchu, Yossi, Chaytchu, Meir, Duved, Rivkele, Blimu Muller, & Feiga
- Duvtcha
(July 16, 1892 - 1942) was born in Stropkov. In 1918 he married his second cousin, Chaytchu Rebhun, in Amsana (Mszana Dolna). They settled in Presov, Slovakia, and had 5 children. Duvtcha was a spice wholesaler. The entire family, except for Mirtchu & Pinya, perished during the Holocaust, in Treblinka.
Mirtchu Berkowitz, Yossi, Pinya, Shabse, & Chazkush
- Chana Rita (October 3, 1894 - 1942) married R. Shiye Langer & lived in Zborov. He was a Rosh Hakohal.
They had 6 children. The entire family, except for Chaytchu, perished in the Holocaust.
Chaytchu Berkowitz, Mordcha Dovid, Blima, Mylech, Mendel, & Esther Toiba
- Eilah (189? - 1944) of Humenne, Slovakia, married Sara Teitelbaum & had 5 children.
The entire family perished in the Holocaust.
Monya, Blimu, Toby, Chani?, & Abie
- Refuel (December 26, 1896 - ?) was born in Stropkov and must have died young. Although the Slovak Archive's record his birth, there is no recollection of him amongst family members. It is also possible that Refuel & Eilah were the same person.
- Gittel (December 15, 1897 - 1942) of Stropkov, Slovakia, is recorded in the Slovak archives birth registry as "Szurah Gittel". She was married to a Frankel & had 1 daughter. Gittel's husband & daughter both died of TB before the war. Gittel remarried to Mendel Matzin. He had three girls and a boy from a previous marriage. They did not have children together. The stepson gave a name for her in 1988/9, as did her nephew, Hymie, in 1982. Gittel perished in the Holocaust.
- Breindle (November 7, 1899 - 1944) of Kisvarda, Hungary, married Chaskel Moskowitz.
They had 4 children. The entire family perished in the Holocaust.
Yossi, Sarah, Blimu, & Moshe Aron
- Basha (July 26, 1901 - 1942) married Sruel Meir Wolf, lived in Stropkov, Slovakia, & had 6 children. Moshe died as a child. Buni died as an infant, from polio, in Presov, during 1938. The rest of the family perished in the Holocaust.
Yossi, Suri, Moshe, Faigy, Abie, & Buni
- Chaim (December 15, 1904 - 1942) of Stropkov, Slovakia, married Gittel Fried & had 4 children. The entire family perished in the Holocaust.
Blimu, Sarah, Malka, & Abie
- Itcha (1907 - 1990) of Stropkov, Slovakia, & then New York, married Lytchu Fogel
& had 5 children. The 3 oldest children, born before the Holocaust, perished.
Avrohm Aba, Moshe, Buni, Hymie, & Heshy
- Yechezkel (1910/2 - 1942) married Shaindle Broyde but had no children.
- Libu (1910/2 -1934 [1 Av]) died of TB as a single girl. She caught it from her niece, Chaytchu Frankel. She was supposed to be engaged to the son of R' Mendele, the Stropkover Ruv.
- Levi Yitzchok
(186? - March 9, 1932 [1 Adar II]) of Krynica, Poland. He was married to Chay Gitsha (Chaya Gittel) Linker. They had about 4 children. He had the Villa Tel-Aviv & perhaps the Villa Miller as well. He had either a brother-in-law or son-in-law named Pesach Linker, who had a son Moshe, from Slovakia or Hungary. He lived by his grandmother, Chay Gitsha, and was a baker. The Guttfriend's had a restaurant in one of Levi Yitzchok's hotels. Their is a living nephew to them: a Kahne from Israel, now in Boro Park (Bobov?), the son of Srael of Dabrowa. He may be able to find out more information about the family. Levi Yitzchok's family perished in the Holocaust aside from Yosef Masbaum who related new details of his family in May of 1999. Yosef is the only survivor from all of Levi Yitzchok's children and grandchildren.
- Chana (1895? - 1942) married Zalman Massbaum of Nowy Sacz, Poland (Galicia). They had a china shop in Krynica. One son, Yosef, survived. The rest of the family perished in the Holocaust.
Yosef, Aidel & Zisel
- Eila married Gittel Bleich, the daughter of the shochet of Tylicz. They lived in Krynica where he had an iron factory. A relative, Sender Bleich, worked by him, moved to Tzfas and now lives in Haifa, Israel. Eila and his entire family perished in the Holocaust.
Mayer, girl & girl
- Dovid lived in Krynica and was married to a woman from Germany. She was from a town pronounced Zay-Push. They had three young children. Yosef Massbaum related that his uncle, this Dovid, "was president of Krynica and he worked with the bank. Two weeks before the war he put money in Switzerland. They gave information to the Germans who killed him". According to family in Bardejov, Dovid fled to Bardejov during the war. It may be him that is referenced in the 1941 census as having been born in Osweicim (Auschwitz) in 1896. Perhaps with his money he was able to bribe his way out of Poland (and fake his death). He and his entire family perished in the Holocaust.
boy, boy & girl
- Miriam married Binyomin Gottleib from Grybow. They lived in Krynica and had three very young children. The family perished in the Holocaust. The Gottleib side of this family is being researched by Eliahu Diner <>
girl, girl & boy
- Sala married Yisroel Hurvich in 1942. They lived in Krynica and had a girl born to them that year. The family perished in the Holocaust.
- Pesach Dovid
(July 12,1873 - 1937 [27 Elul ]) of Bardejov, Slovakia,
was married, in 1887, to Raizel Guwertmann (19 November 1870 - 1937 [1 Sivan]), daughter of Izrael and Liebe (nee Tharom). Note, their civil marriage was registered much later, on 18 October 1906, in Bardejov. SSA Bardejov, Bardejov Marriages Vol. 02, 387-388 / 1906-46 They had 8 children. About half of the family perished in the Holocaust.
He is listed in the 1930 Slovak census. See: Front side and Rear side.
- Tema Leah (1895-1942) married Yosef Chaim Sander (Hoflich). They lived in Bardejov, Slovakia & had 7 children. The entire family perished in the Holocaust.
Ephraim, Chaya, Mordche Leib, Libu, Freidy, Rivka, & Naftuli Hersh
- Chana Rita (1897-1942) married Chaim Yosef Halberstam-Unger. They lived in Bardejov, Slovakia & had 4 children. Chana Rita, along with two of her children (Moshe Elyukim Briah & Chaya), perished in the Holocaust.
Libu Ungar, Moshe Elyukim Briah, Ruchie Frankel, & Chaya
- Chaskel (1899-1943) of Bardejov, Slovakia, married Mindel Eisenberg & had 3 children. The family, except for Alice & Ruti, perished in the Holocaust. They reside in Toronto, Ontario, & Long Beach, NY, respectively.
Moshe, Alice Fisher, & Ruti Lebowitz
- Eilish (1901-19?) of Bardejov, Slovakia, married Surah Katz. They have 3 children. The family resides in Montreal, Quebec.
Moshe, Libtchu, & Bobby
- Mordcha Leib (1903 - 1942) of Bardejov, Slovakia, married
his second cousin, Rivka Miller
& had 2 children. The entire family perished in the Holocaust.
Gittel & Pesach Dovid
- Chaim (1904-1976) of Bardejov, Slovakia, married Eugenia Smilovitz & had 3 children. Their family resides in Hampstead Quebec, Riverdale NY, & Silver Springs MD.
Rita Feder, David, & Alice Baer
- Mendel (1905 - 1942) of Bardejov, Slovakia, married Esther Ring
& had 2 children. The entire family perished in the Holocaust.
Pesach Dovid & Moshe
- Mylech (1909 - 1997) married Feigy Feight/Rosner & lived in Montreal, Quebec, after the Holocaust. They had 2 children, who live in New York and Los Angeles.
Hedda Rudoff & Lydia Weisman

I would be very interested to hear from anyone with knowledge or an interest in the Miller family.
Moishe Miller
My home address is
1374 East 28th Street
Brooklyn NY 11210-5311
Last updated 21 September 2022