The Shabsi Miller Family

Shabsi (1822 - Jan 22, 1909), son of Yakov Mylech Miller, was born in Obrucna, Slovakia. He
married Hena (1825-1909) of Lukov. They lived in Obrucna, Slovakia, where they were reputed to have had as many as 24 children. Of them, 14 are known. However, there are some families descended from him, whose connection is not known. See the Broken Branches section. The 1869 census of Saros county lists Zsigmon & Anna Muller of Obrucna, Slovakia, with the following children living with them at the time: Simon - 1845; Anna - 1851; Abraham - 1857; Izak - 1858; Fulop - 1861; Amalia -1863; Kasalin - 1866; Esztera - 1869. The 1857 census for Obrucsno posted on JewishGen (SSA Presov, Census 1857, Vol. 222, Box #60) shows Schapko, born 1821, a house owner, married to Hani Tannenbaum, born 1824. Their children are Betti (1844); Simon (5 May 1846); Rozi (1848); Hani (1850); Leni (1852); Adolf (10 May 1856); Arnold (7 Jul 1857).
- Breindel
(1844- 1885 [11 Adar]) married Mordcha Dovid Reiss (1839 - ?), of Lukov, on Jan. 1, 1865. They first lived in Breindel's hometown, Obrucna, Slovakia, where several of their children were born. They later moved to Smilno, Slovakia. They had 6 children.
- Bayla (May 1, 1866 - 1939/45) married Avrohm Goldberg. They had 3 children.
Esther, Dina Simon, & Breindle
- Yosef Hersh (Nov 19, 1869 - 1942) was born in Obrucna, Slovakia. He married Sarah Wald. They
lived in Stolany, Slovakia, & had 9 children.
Almost the entire family perished in the Holocaust.
Blima, Menachem Mendel, Rivka, Rochel, Shlome, Malka, Naftuli, Sheindle, & Mordcha Dovid
- Yeshaya (187? - ?) was born in Obrucna, Slovakia. He married Dreizel Hoflich & they lived in Smilno where they had 9 children.
Almost the entire family perished in the Holocaust.
Chaya Sara, Michael, Breindle, Yehudis, Esther, Aron Moshe, Sheindle, Hena, & Mordcha Dovid
- Avrohm Moshe (1879/81? - 1932) married Necha Bodenstein. They lived in Krynica, Galicia & had 6 children.
Chezkel Shrage, Breindle Mallinger, Kalman, Zeisel Weil, Yehudis Millstein, & Mordcha Dovid
- Yakov Mylech (c1879 - ?) married Sima & they had 4 children. JewishGen shows the marriage (citing SSA Bardejov, Bardejov Marriages Vol. 01; 577-578 / 1902-28) as 27 Aug 1902, Jakab Meilach, age 23, in Bartfa, Saros, to , daughter of Salamon Sperling & Hinde Reiszel Spitz. The notes state, "Groom b. Obrucsno (Saros m.) [Dec 1, 1878], from Smilnyo, works in the family business, father tavern keeper there, mother deceased. Bride b. Klyusso (Saros m.) [6-Jun-1879 ], from Bartfa, father flea market vendor. Witnesses Mor HERCZ (62) rentier, and Samu JOZEFOVICS (30), mixed goods merchant, both from Bartfa." Additional records records the births of Berta (2 Jan 1904), Anna (23 Feb 1905), & Adolf (18 Sep 1906). These records note, "Father milk merchant , b. Obrucsno (Saros m.); mother b. Klyusso." The entire family perished in the Holocaust.
Breindle, Pesel, Avrohm Leib, & Menachem Mendel
- Chaim (18? - 1940) married Lena & they had 4 children.
Manny, Bertha Aranoff, Pauline Leitner, & Davey
- Shimon
(1845 - 1920's) was born in Obrucna, Slovakia. He married & lived in Krynica, Galicia, but did not have children.
- Chava (Anna?)
(1851 - 19?) of Obrucna, Slovakia. She was married & lived in Krynica, Galicia. Nothing else is known about her.
- Chaja Resy (Jan 1, 1852 - ?) was born in Obrucna, Slovakia.
- Sarah Rochel
(1855 - 1883) of Galicia. She married Hersh Leib Farber, probably before 1869, because she does not show up in the census then as living with her parents. They had 5 children.
- Breindle (18? - ?) married a Margolis. They lived in Lvov (Lemberg), Galicia & had 4 children. 2 of them survived the war and lived in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
Jack, Yussel, Sarah Rochel Carterman, & Avrohm
- Chana Blima (18? - 1939/45) married Mayer Farber. They lived in Zabno, Poland & had 8 children. The entire family, except for Fannie & Shabsi, perished in the
Sarah Rochel Korman, Fannie Margolis, Mindel Ofner, Yussel, Edis Ofner, Henya, Rudza, & Shabsi Mayerovitz
- Yakov (18? - ?) married and lived in Radlow, Poland. They had 2 girls. The entire family, except for Maria, perished in the Holocaust.
girl & Maria Faber-Kulpa
- Malkie (18? - 1944) was married twice, first to a Reicher. They had 1 son together. After Malkie's husband passed away she remarried Yochanon Follman. They lived in Shumrü, but came to the
Olyphant, PA, where they had 2 sons.
Dovid Reicher, Moshe Iri Follman, & Shimon Follman
- Gittel (18? - 1922) married Mordcha Ofner & had 4 children. Gittel died of the flu at a young age. The family wanted Fannie (his niece, Chana Blima Farber's daughter) to marry Mordcha but she refused. Her sister, Mindle offered instead. She was only 11. They did not have children together. The entire family perished in the Holocaust.
Chaim, Sally, Chayka, & boy
- Abraham Mandel (Mar 10, 1856 - Nov 12, 1861) shows up in the Obrucna birth & death records. Even though he has the same civil name, Abraham, as his brother, it is not a real problem. Many times the civil name did not have a direct correlation to the Hebrew name. Additionally, his brother, Avrohm Aba, has his own birth record. Furthermore, that Avrohm Aba died in 1935, in Galicia.
- Avrohm Aba
(Jan 7, 1857 - Feb 14, 1935) was born in Obrucna, Slovakia. He was married to a Miller cousin, Miriam [July 1863 - Sep 17, 1938], daughter of Chaim Reuven and Ruchel Hena Hollander. She was from Nowy Sacz and orphaned at an early age. (It is not known how her parents were Miller cousin's although it was probably through a Hollander connection, possibly from an unknown daughter of Pesach Dovid and Chana Rita Miller). Miriam was married off at 13 years of age. Avrohm Aba & Miriam lived in Krynica, Galicia, where they owned the Villa Tatarska. They had 9 children, many of whom perished in the Holocaust.
- Chaim Reuven (1880's - 19?) married Sura Gittel. They had 5 children. Chava & Shmuel perished in the Holocaust.
Naftali Tzvi, Yakov Mylech, Moshe, Chava, & Shmuel
- Feiga Kendel (Apr 16, 1886 - 1942) married Moshe, son of Benyamin & Merel (nee Teitel) Stern, of Nawsie Kolaczyckie, Galicia, on April 11, 1912. (Incidentally, Benyamin Stern was a brother to Malka Stern, who was married to Pesach Dovid Rebhun). Feiga Kendel & Moshe had 4 children. They lived in Krynica and owned the Villa Zgoda. When Feiga Kendel's sister, Leah, passed away, she took in her oldest daughter, Sarah. They all perished in the Holocaust, except for Rachelle Hena.
Rachelle Hena Hirschberg, Helen, Maylech Dovid, & Yashea
- Itcha (1880's - 1942?) married Leah. They lived in Tarnov & had 3 children. They all perished in the Holocaust.
Kopel, Hena, & Zelda
- Sarah Rochel (1891 - Jul 31, 1978 [27 Tamuz]) married a cousin,
Yakov Mylech Miller. She was unable to have children for the first six years of their marriage. They lived in Krynica, where he owned the Villa Roza. They later moved to the US, living in New York, Pittsburgh,Baltimore, Chicago & Newark. They had 3 children.
Shabsi, Chaya Rivka, & Meyer
- Sender (189? - 19?) married Leah & had 4 children. He lived in Krynica & owned, in partnership with two of his brothers, the Villa Venice. They perished in the Holocaust.
Yisroel, Rudza, Shimon, & Yechiel
- Ahron Dovid (189? - 1942?) was married twice,
first to Sara, who passed away in the 1930's. They lived in Krynica & had 3 children. He then married Gittel Hochberger & they had 2 children. He owned, in partnership with two of his brothers, the Villa Venice. They all perished in the Holocaust.
Shaindel, Avrohm Aba, Chana, Shimon, & child
- Yehuda Meyer (1? - 1942?) married Frimtcha but had no children. He lived in Krynica & owned, in partnership with two of his brothers, the Villa Venice. Yehuda Meyer & Frimtcha both perished in the Holocaust.
- Leah (1902 - 1928) married Shaul Widawski. They had 3 children. Only their son, Shabsi, survived the Holocaust. After Leah passed away, Shabsi lived with his grandparents, Avrohm Aba and Miriam Miller.
Shabsi, Sarah, & Henny
- Henne (1904? - 1905?) died at one year of age.
- Rivka (Jan 1, 1859 - Jan 29, 1861) was born & died in Obrucna, Slovakia.
- Itcha
(Nov 1, 1860 - 1928 [27 Tamuz]) was born in Obrucna, Slovakia. In the 1990s, the family related that he married Leah, lived in Krynica, Galicia, & had children. Nothing else is known about them. In 2022, a JRI-Poland record for Nowy Sacz PSA shows that in 1882 (akt 8) an Isaac Miller, age 22, from Obrucsno (Wegry), son of Schabse & Henne Miller, married Selde Stern, age 19 y., 3 m, daughter of Berl & Taube.
- Fülop (1861 - ?) was born in Obrucna, Slovakia.
- Pessi (Jan 6, 1862 - ?) was born in Obrucna, Slovakia.
- Multsha (Amalia ?)
(18? - 19?) of Krynica, Galicia. She married her cousin, Chaskel Miller, & they had 6 children. When they married they lived in Obrucna, Slovakia. After Multsha's father, Shabsi Miller, passed away, Chaskel moved to Krynica, Poland, where he had a hotel, the Villa Tatarska.
- Eilish was married and lived in Meleltz, Galicia. He had no children. He perished in the Holocaust.
- Mylech was married and lived in Krynica. He was a talmid chochum. He owned the Villa New York together with his younger brother, Shaul. His entire family perished in the Holocaust.
- Avrohm was married and lived in Krynica. His entire family perished in the Holocaust.
- Fannie (1889 - 1942?) married Herschel Frank. They had 5 children.
They, & their one son, Shoni, perished in the Holocaust.
Klara Windreich, Shoni, Ilona Guttman (Zalai), Senen Nash, & Rosa Shamir
- Shaul (1904 - 1942) was married and lived in Krynica. He was a talmid chochum. He owned the Villa New York together with his older brother, Mylech. He tried to escape by going to Bardejov, Slovakia, in the beginning of the war. His entire family perished in the Holocaust.
- Rochel (1905 - 1942?) married R. Nuta Shlomo Schlissel. They lived in Krynica, & later in Mukachevo, where he was a dayan. They had 5 children. The entire family, except for Zeeshka, perished in the Holocaust.
Zeeshka Bernholtz, Chaya, Malka, Yechezkel, & Chaim Eliezer
- Kasalin (1866 - ?) was born in Obrucna, Slovakia.
- Esztera (1869 - ?) was born in Obrucna, Slovakia.

I would be very interested to hear from anyone with knowledge or an interest in the Miller family.
Moishe Miller
My home address is
1374 East 28th Street
Brooklyn NY 11210-5311
Last updated 12 Feb 2022