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1869 Census


Other Films

Films 1792046 - 1792048; 1842-1895. Film 1183504; 1941.
Jewish records of births, marriages and deaths for Bardejov, Slovakia, (formerly Bâartfa, Sâaros, Hungary and surrounding communities, including Zborov and Smilno. The text is in German and Hungarian. The records are divided among several (about sixteen in all) sections or books on the microfilms. These are referred to as items. The breakdown below is still incomplete. Please refer to Zborov records as well, for additional vital records from this area of Saros county. These records can be found at the archives in Presov. The 1941 list was transcribed by Abraham L. Grussgott.
   Birth           1852-1882 ------------------------- 1792046
   Marriage        1852-1882                           items 2-5
   Death           1853-1882
   Birth           1843-1853
   Marriage        1842-1853
   Death           1842-1853
   Birth           1854-1865
   Marriage        1855-1873
   Birth           1865-1874
   Death           1854-1873
   Birth           1886
   Birth           1886-1895 ------------------------- 1792047
   Birth           1874-1885
   Marriage        1886-1895; 1920-1923
   Death           1886-1895
   Marriage        1886-1895, 1921-1922
   Death           1886-1895
   Birth           1862-1863
   Death           1862-1863
   Birth           1875-1878
   Marriage, Death 1878

   Birth, Marriage, Death     1860-1893
   Birth, Marriage, Death     1894-1895
                             ------------------------ 1792048
                                                      item 1
   Complete 1941 registration of the Jews of Bardejov,
   Slovakia; formerly Bâartfa, Sâaros, Hungary. This
   forced registration was done by the Slovak government
   before their deportation to concentration camps in Poland.
                             ------------------------ 1183504
                                                      items 3-4

Film 2189245 - Item #3; 1869 Census - Saros County, Slovakia.

District: Sekcov (Szekcso)

Area: Gaboltov (Gabolto)
Towns: Bogliarka (Boglyarka), Cigelka (Czigelka), Fricka 
       (Fricska), Gaboltov (Gabolto), Gerlachov (Gerlacho),
       Krive, Kurov (Kuro), Lenartov (Lenarto), Livov (Livo),
       Livovska Huta (Livohutta), Lukov (Luko), Malcov 
       (Malyczo), Petrova (Pitrova), Snakov (Sznako), Tarnov
       (Tarno), Venecia (Veneczia), Vysny Tvarozec (Felso
       Tvaroscz) Zlate (Sarpatak)

Area: Raslavice (Raszlavicz)
Towns: Abrahamovce (Abrahamfalu), Andrejova, Bardejovska Nova
       Ves (Bartfa Ujfalu), Brezovka, Buclovany (Buczlo),
       Demjata (Demethe), Dlha Luka (Hosszuret), Hazlin, 
       Kobyly (Lofalu), Krasna Luka (Luko), Kruzlov (Kllyusso),
       Lukavica (Lukavicza), Nizna Volá (Volya), Nizne 
       Reslavice (Tot Reszlavicz), Resov (Resso), Richvald
       (Richwald), Trocany (Trocsan), Vaniskovce (Vanyiskocz)

Area: Mosurov (Adamfolde)
Towns: Hertnik (Hertnek), Hervartov (Hervarto), Hubosovce
       (Gombosfalva), Janovce (Berczalja), Maly Slivnik (Kis 
       Szilva), Mosurov (Adamfolde), Osikov (Ossiko), Ratvay
       (Ratvaj), Siba, Terna (Ternye), Varadka, Zahradne
       (Szedikert), Zatkovce (Zsetek)


SDA - State District Archives

Statny okresny archiv
Dlhy rad 16
085 77 Bardejov

Miller Tree
I would be very interested to hear from anyone with knowledge or an interest in the Miller family.

Moishe Miller

My home address is
           1374 East 28th Street
           Brooklyn NY 11210-5311

Last updated 10/23/2016