The Raphael Meyer Miller Family

Raphael Meyer (1830's - ?) , son of Pesach Dovid Miller,
was married to Leah Goldstein of (1829 - May 14, 1889) Tylicz, Galicia, and they had 16 children. Only 8 are known. Raphael Meyer and Leah are both buried in the cemetery at Labowa.
- Avrohm Aba
(1852 - May 24, 1918). He was married to Breindel Zimmermann (daughter of Jakob & Rosi nee Friedman, of Richvald), on December 12, 1873. They lived in Zborov, Slovakia, & had 6 known children. He was in the dairy business (butter). Breindel outlived her husband by many years and lived together with her youngest son, Mordche. She was known as "Breindela Chop", although I do not know why. She perished in the Holocaust along with much of the family.
- Pesach Dovid
(October 3, 1874-1974 [14 Teves]) received a blessing for longevity from the Sanzer Ruv (R. Chaim Halberstam) while he was a small child. He was married to his first cousin, once removed, Sara Schonfeld
on January 8, 1901, in Hodasz, Hungary. She was pregnant 11 times, with 5 children surviving to adulthood. Seven of the children's names are known. They lived in many places, including Hodasz, Nyirbator, Kosice, & New York City. Pesach Dovid came to live in the US during the early 1920's. He did come on at least two other earlier occasions. He made frequent trips back to Europe to visit his family. His wife and youngest daughter came in 1932. Two of their children (Freitchu & Shabsy), with their entire families, perished in the Holocaust.
Chana Dresdner, Freitchu Goldstein, Erzsebet, Shabsy, Naftuli, Miklos, & Viola Dickstein
- Sarah
(1882?-1942?) was married to her cousin,
Yakov Noach
. They lived in Zborov & had 7 children. Sarah, Yakov Noach, Rivka & Avrohm Aba perished in Auschwitz.
Rivka died in her sister's (Helen) arms. Leah, her husband Chananel Friedman, and their 2 sons,
perished in the Treblinka death camp.
Herschel, Rochel Millstein, Leah Friedman, Piri Hoffman, Helen Slater, Rivka, & Avrohm Aba
- Hinda (1884-1942?) was married to Shaya (Yeshaya Leib) Schwartz. They lived in Zborov & had 5 children. The entire family, except for Dudya's wife & 2 children, perished in the Holocaust.
Sarah Velke, Dudya, Myer?, Perel, & girl
- Rivka (May 18, 1888 - 1888) died as a baby.
- Moishe (September 30, 1889 - June 1964 [29 Sivan]) was married to Gussie Tepper.
He came to NY aboard the SS Friedrich de Grosse, on August 5, 1905, when he
was 16. He lived in Brooklyn & had 4 children.
Isie, Paul, Pearl Sigety & Charlotte Lurie
- Mordche (Mar 3, 1895 - Aug 17, 1937 [10 Elul]) was married to Bayla Reichman. They lived in Zborov, Slovakia, & had 4 children. Mordche suffered a heart attack & died in a hospital in Presov. He is buried there. The rest of the family perished in the Holocaust.
Mendel, Abala, Herschel, & Shulamis
- girl (18? - 19?) of ???, Galicia. She was married, possibly to a Zevasser, & they had 4 children.
- Esther (187? - 193?) married Noach Pfeffer & had 3 children. Noach and his 2 daughters perished in the Holocaust.
Zalman, Leah, & Roiza
- Chana Rita (18? - 1942?) was married to Henich Weiss, of Nowy Sacz. They had 2 children. They all perished in the Holocaust.
girl & girl
- Itcha (18? - 1942?) was married & lived in Kufushani (near Presov), Slovakia. They had 1 son & they all perished in the Holocaust.
- Yakov Noach
(18? - 1942?) who took his mother's maiden name, Miller. He married a cousin,
Sarah Miller
They lived in Zborov & had 7 children. The family is enumreated in the 1930 census as Jakub and Saly Muller. Herschel and his wife (with his sister), are in a separeate enumeration. Sarah, Yakov Noach, Rivka & Avrohm Aba perished in Auschwitz.
Rivka died in her sister's (Helen) arms. Feigie Teichman says their yahrtzeit is Tisha B'av, as families from Zborov were transported in July 1942. Leah, her husband Chananel Friedman, and their 2 sons,
perished in the Treblinka death camp. Feigie Teichman's maternal grandfather, Herman, perished 8 Tishrei at Majdanek.
Herschel, Rochel Millstein, Leah Friedman, Piri Hoffman, Helen Slater, Rivka, & Avrohm Aba
- Simon
(May 20, 1858 - June 5, 1918) was born in Tylicz, Galicia. He married Hena Friedman
, of Dlha Luka, Slovakia.
They had 6 children. Simon lived in Bardejov for some period but came to the US several times, beginning in the 1880's
(probably to check it out). In 1893 Simon and his family (except for Meyer) came to the United States (New York).
He most likely departed from Bardejov (Bardfeld), Slovakia. Meyer had problems with his eyes and came via Hamburg
around 1900 (his son Royal remembers Meyer saying he was 13 years old when he arrived). Simon moved, upon his arrival,
to Torrington, Connecticut, where he peddled lye. His business partner shot him and left him for dead. He survived
but had (some) paralysis on his left side (leg). He and all his children, with the exception of David, moved back to
New York in 1903. Simon passed away, from chronic nephritis, at the age of 60. This was just a couple of weeks after
his brother, Avrohm Aba, passed away. Simon's final resting place is at Mount Hebron Cemetery in Flushing, NY.
He was survived by 4 sons, 2 daughters, and 19 grandchildren.
- Minnie (1880 - Oct 5, 1947) married Frank Bob & had 4 children.
They lived in Brooklyn, where Frank was a manufacturer (of shirts).
Murray, Bessie Tolkowsky (Neuman), Sophie Bohm & Lillian Gans
- David (Dec 14, 1881 - May 23, 1964) married his first cousin, once-removed,
Bertha Schonfeld & had 3 children. David owned a department store in New Millford, Connecticut.
The family retired to West Hartford, CT.
Betty Osber, Ruth Kane (Fain), & Manny
- Nathan (Sep 13, 1883 - Apr 7, 1959) was born in Hoszuret. His bris was on Sep 20, performed by Chaszkel Wald. Nathan married Sadie Weiss & had 4 children. They lived in Staten Island and owned a tavern.
Lillian Farr, David, Michael, & Sam
- Meyer (Mar 16, 1885 - Mar 6, 1958) was born in Bardejov. He married
Gussie Birnbaum in New York City on Jun 11, 1907. They lived in Staten Island, where they had
4 children. He was a milk distributor (Borden, and later his own).
Shirley Rendelstein, Benjamin, Ruth, & Royal
- Annie (Chana Rita) (May 18, 1888 - 1958) was born in Hapuret, near Bardejov, Slovakia. She
married Jacob Toder & had 5 children. They lived in Staten Island and owned a tavern.
Manny, Harry, Lillian Frederick, Sidney & Sheldon
- Lewis (1890 - Jan 17, 1962) married Sadie Schact & had 4 children.
He had a plumbing supply store on Houston street (NYC).
Robert, Miriam Erber, Beatrice Cohen, & Sylvia Eisenberg
- Yosef
(c1865 - c1942) of Czarny Dunajec, Poland was married to Sara Pfeffer. She was a sister to Noach Pfeffer of Zalubincze. Sara (Sali) and Noach were both children of Chaim & Rosa (neee Ulreich) and had at least 6 children. Neumarkt was the former name of Nowy Targ, the district of Czarny Dunajec, Poland in the province of Krakow.
- Zalman (? - c1942) was married, with at least 2 sons.
A son, Chaim, married his cousin, Roiza Miller.
They perished in the Holocaust.
Chaim & Dovid
- David (2 Nov 1884 - c1942) was married to Yona and lived in Czarny Dunajec. They and their 8 children were in the Krakow ghetto from 1939 and all perished.
Leja, Chaim, Shmuel, Sara, Rafael, Noach, Rojza & Leon
- Leah (16 Oct 1889 - 1945) was born in Czarny Dunajec. She married Yakov Kalfus and lived in Podolínec, Slovakia where they had 4 known children. Leah was widowed before the war. She perished in the Ravensbrück concentration camp in Germany. The rest of the family perished, with just one son survivng, Chaim, who settled in Ramat Gan.
Sarah (Serena), Shaul (Alexander), Chaim & Natan
- Sela (Faiga) (19 Jun 1895 - ?) was born in Czarny Dunajec.
- Sela (Faiga) (c1900 - c1942) married Chaskel Timberg of Jawozno. They and their 2 sons perished.
Dov, Chaim & Sally Weiss
- Chaya (c1902 - c1942) married Szulem Stern. They lived in Czarny Dunajec where they had 4 children. They all perished.
Sara, Freida, Rafael & Gela
- Rochel
(c1853 - March 30, 1906 [Nissan 8]) of Nowy Sacz, Galicia, was married, with children. She was a healer with herbs.
She died at a young age and is buried in the Labowa cemetery. Nothing was known about her children, but in 2022, JRI-Poland indexes revealed she was Rachel Muller, the daughter of Rafael& Laje, married to Chajem Zwasser/Zwas. Rochel passed away in Tylicz on 30 Mar 1906.
- Benjamin (Oct 1876 - 8 Nov 1877) was born and passed in Tylicz.
- Esther (1878 - ?) married Noach Pfeffer of Zalubincze, son of Chaim & Rosa (neee Ulreich), in Nowy Sacz on 3 Jan 1928.
Rosa, Salmen, Ruchel & Lea
- Sura (1884 - ?) married Aron Pinkus Kleinzahler of Czarny Dunajec, son of Lobel & Ruchla (nee Szachter), in Nowy Sacz, on 28 Dec 1909.
infant & Simon
- Pesil (24 Feb 1887 - 19 Aug 1888)was born and passed in Tylicz.
- Laje (9 Jun 1889 - 28 Nov 1890).
- Chane Rite (20 Jun 1893 - ?).
- Yocheved
(1871-1931/2 [9 Nissan]) was born in Tylicz, Galicia. She married her cousin, Yitzchok Zev Miller, the son of Chaskel Miller (Chaskel was an innkeeper in Obrucna, Slovakia, & was also extremely strong). They lived in Tylicz and had 6 children. Yocheved's mokum menucha (place of burial) is in Labowa (near Maciejowa, now in Poland, just north of Krynica). This is because at the time there was no bais olam (cemetery) in Tylicz. They buried her in Labowa (near Maciejowa) because it is nearby and because her mother, Leah, is buried there.
- Kopel (1897? - 189?) died as an infant.
- Yakov Mylech (Feb 1899 - 1958 [2 Teves]) married a cousin,
Sarah Rochel. She was unable to have children for the first
six years of their marriage. They lived in Krynica, where he owned the
Villa Roza. Before moving to the US, he designated his brother, Avrohm Abba, as
caretaker. Yakov Mylech & his family
lived in New York, Pittsburgh, Baltimore, Chicago, & Newark. They had 3 children.
Shabsi, Chaya Rivka Singer, & Mayer
- Shabsi (1900 - 1944 [7 Sivan]) was married to Chaya Sarah
Leiber, a descendent of R. Chaim Halberstam of Nowy Sacz. They lived in Nowy Sacz and had 4 children.
Everyone except Akiva perished in the Holocaust, in Bergen-Belzen, on 17 Elul, 1942.
Mirel, Akiva, Alta Hadassah, & Leah
- Avrohm Abba (Mar 11, 1903 - Jun 1987 [25 Sivan]) married twice. His first wife was Shaindle. They lived in Krynica, where he owned the Villa Paryzanka. He later moved to Nowy Sacz to be close to his brother, Shabsi. There he opened a shnit gesheft (a dry goods store) where he dealt with fabrics and also did pleating work. Avrohm Abba's wife, Shaindle, perished in the Holocaust. After the war he came to the US and married Feigy Rawicki. He had no children. Avrohm Abba & Feigy were both laid to rest in the New Square cemetery.
- Leibish (190?-194?) was married to a woman from Ishtcha (?). They perished in the Holocaust.
- Roiza (190?-1942/4) was married to her cousin, Chaim Miller.
He was a great-grandson of Raphael Meyer. Chaim's father, Zalman, was the son of Yosef Miller, the son of Raphael Meyer. They had 3 children. They all perished in the Holocaust.
Yechezkel?, boy, & child
- Rivka
(1870's? - Dec 30, 1920 [Teves 19]) married Roita Ber (Dov/Ber) Schermer. They lived in Tylicz & Krynica, Galicia, & had 8 children.
Rivka died from heartache over the death of her son who was killed in the army during World War I.
- Rochel (1890? - 1942) married
her second cousin, Yankel Miller of Presov, Slovakia.
They had 5 children but only one, Moshe, survived to adulthood.
The entire family perished in the Holocaust.
Yosef, Chula, Yitzchok, child?, & Moshe
- Sarah Fraidle (1892-1943) married her second
cousin, Moshe. They lived in Presov, Slovakia
& had 8 children. The entire family, except for Blimu, perished in the Holocaust.
Lytchu, Yossi, Chaytchu, Meir, Duved, Rivkele, Blimu Muller, & Feiga
- Anna (Chana Rita) (June 15, 1894 - Nov 16, 1980) was born in Tylicz. She married
Yoel Friedman, of Stropkov. She came to the US: Feb 13, 1924. They lived in the lower east side of NYC. They had 3 children, the oldest died as an infant.
boy, Moshe, & Philip
- Moshe Dovid (189? - 194?) lived in Antwerp, Belgium before the war and was not married. He was never heard from again after war. It is assumed that he perished in the Holocaust.
- Roiza (1899? - 1980 [15 Elul]) of Tylicz, Galicia, married Chaim Feigenbaum. They lived in Swoszowa, Galicia. After the war they moved to Petach Tiqva, Israel. They had 5 children.
Muttel, Pinchus, Rivka Gutwein, Naftali, & Yeedle
- Mattis (Feb. 9, 1900 - July 15, 1972) was born in Tylicz. He arrived in the US on Jan. 6, 1923. He married Fannie Eidem. They lived in the lower east side of NYC. They had 1 daughter and a dog named Muttel.
Rivka Frankel
- boy (190? - 191?) died in the Polish army during World War I. He was not married.
- Basha (19?-1942/4) married a Landau. They lived in Katowice, Poland, where they had a jewelry store. They had 1 son. All of them perished in the Holocaust.
- Leiser (18 Mar 1863 - ) shows in the Tylicz birth records, born to Rafael & Laje. Nothing is known about her children.

I would be very interested to hear from anyone with knowledge or an interest in the Miller family.
Moishe Miller
My home address is
1374 East 28th Street
Brooklyn NY 11210-5311
Last updated 30 January 2024