We extend Anari and Vazirani's parallel algorithm for perfect matching in planar graphs to the graph families with a forbidden minor with crossing number one, by developing a concept of mimicking networks for perfect matching.
We construct planar graphs whose straight drawings require a large number of lines (at least the cube root of the number of vertices) to cover all vertices. We also find series-parallel graphs and apex-trees that require a non-constant number of lines.
Not every bipartite planar graph has a planar Lombardi drawing. Not every plane series parallel graph has a planar Lombardi drawing with the same embedding. The proof involves the properties of cycles of circular-arc-quadrilaterals all sharing the same two vertices, with equal and sharp vertex angles.
We show that finding clustered planar drawings can be done in fixed-parameter-tractable time, depending only on a single width parameter of the input clustered graph.
The n-disc p-peg Hanoi graphs have treewidth within a polynomial factor of np − 1.
Greedy spanners are graphs formed from sets of geometric points by considering the pairs of points in sorted order by distance and adding an edge whenever a pair cannot be connected by a short path through the previously-added edges. We show that for points in the Euclidean plane, these graphs have linearly many crossings, that the intersection graph of their edges has bounded degeneracy, and that they have separators of square-root size.
We find convex polyhedra with all faces triangular that cannot be realized with all faces isosceles, and new families of convex polyhedra with congruent isosceles-triangle faces.
If you form a bipartite graph from a stable matching instance, with an edge for each pair that can participate in a stable matching, what graphs can you get? They are matching-covered, but NP-hard to recognize, and their structure is related to the structure of the lattice of stable matchings of the same instance.
We study how few points can be placed in a grid so that all remaining grid points are collinear with two of the placed points.
There exist graphs with edges labeled by linear real functions, such that the number of different minimum spanning trees obtained for different choices of the function argument is \(\Omega(m\log n)\).
We precisely characterize the triples vertex angles that are possible for arc-triangles (curved triangles made from circular arcs), and prove an existence theorem for a large class of sets of angles for arc-polygons. Our characterization allows us to prove that every cactus graph has a planar Lombardi drawing for its natural planar embedding (the embedding in which each cycle is a bounded face), but that there exist other embeddings of cacti that have no Lombardi drawing.
We provide a partial classification of the complexity of parameterized graph problems of the form "find a \(k\)-vertex induced subgraph with property \(X\) in a larger subgraph with property \(Y\)", in terms of the existence of large cliques and large independent sets in the graphs with properties \(X\) and \(Y\).
Metric spaces of bounded doubling dimension have spanners with bounded degree, weight a bounded multiple of the minimum spanning tree weight, and dilation arbitrarily close to one, that can be found efficiently by a distributed algorithm.
Graphs drawn in the hyperbolic plane can be forced to have features much closer together than unit distance, in the absolute distance scale of the plane. In particular this is true for planar drawings of maximal planar graphs or grid graphs, and for nonplanar drawings of arbitrary graphs.
We investigate shapes whose congruent copies can cover the plane exactly \(k\) times per point, but not a number of times that is a nonzero integer smaller than \(k\). We find polyominoes with this property for all \(k\ge 2\), and convex integer-coordinate polygons with this property for \(k=5\) and for all \(k\ge 7\).
We prove that if a set of positive integers includes multiples of all integers, and is closed under multiplication by two, then its reciprocals can form Egyptian fractions for every rational number up to the sum of reciprocals of the set.
The nearest-neighbor classification problem considered here takes as input a training set of points in a Euclidean space, each with a classification from some finite set of classes or colors, and then uses that input to predict the classification of new points as being equal to that of the nearest neighbor in the input training set. A training point is irrelevant when removing it from the training set would produce the same predicted classification for all possible new points that might be queried. We describe how to find all of the relevant points, in polynomial time, using a simple algorithm whose only components are construction of a minimum spanning tree of the training set and the computation of extreme points (convex hull vertices) of geometrically transformed subsets of points. For any constant dimension, with \(k\) relevant points resulting from a training set of \(n\) points, this method can be made to take time \(O(n^2+k^2n)\), using only simple algorithms for the minimum spanning tree and extreme point subroutines. For small dimensions, somewhat better but more complicated bounds are possible.
A random walk on the independent sets or dominating sets of a graph mixes rapidly for graphs of bounded treewidth, and a random walk on maximal independent sets mixes rapidly for graphs of bounded carving width.
We study a class of problems involving computing a value \(f^{(n)}(x)\), the \(n\)th iterate of a function \(f\), for polynomial time bijections. We prove that these problems are complete for \(\mathsf{P}^{\mathsf{PSPACE}}\), and include hard problems in circuit complexity, graph algorithms, the simulation of one- and two-dimensional automata, and dynamical systems. We also provide a polynomial time algorithm for the special case where the bijection is an interval exchange transformation.
Years – Publications – David Eppstein – Theory Group – Inf. & Comp. Sci. – UC Irvine
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