The class Random_points_on_square_2<Point_2, Creator> is an input iterator creating points uniformly distributed in the boundary of a square. The default Creator is Creator_uniform_2<Kernel_traits<P>::Kernel::RT,P>.
#include <CGAL/point_generators_2.h>
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is an input iterator creating points of type Point_2 uniformly
distributed on the boundary of the square with side length ,
centered at the origin, i.e. one
coordinate is either or and for the
other coordinate holds .
A single random number is needed from rnd for each point.
CGAL::Random_points_in_disc_2<Point_2, Creator>
CGAL::Random_points_in_square_2<Point_2, Creator>
CGAL::Random_points_on_circle_2<Point_2, Creator>
CGAL::Random_points_on_segment_2<Point_2, Creator>