A kernel provides types, construction objects, and generalized predicates. The former replace constructors of the kernel classes and constructive procedures in the kernel. There are also function objects replacing operators, especially for equality testing.
| |
a model of FieldNumberType
| |
| |
a model of RingNumberType
| |
a model of Kernel::CartesianConstIterator_2
| |
a model of Kernel::Point_2
| |
| |
a model of Kernel::Vector_2
| |
| |
a model of Kernel::Direction_2
| |
| |
a model of Kernel::Line_2
| |
| |
a model of Kernel::Ray_2
| |
| |
a model of Kernel::Segment_2
| |
| |
a model of Kernel::Triangle_2
| |
| |
a model of Kernel::IsoRectangle_2
| |
| |
a model of Kernel::Circle_2
| |
| |
a model of Kernel::Object_2
| |
a model of Kernel::ConstructPoint_2
| |
| |
a model of Kernel::ConstructVector_2
| |
| |
a model of Kernel::ConstructDirection_2
| |
| |
a model of Kernel::ConstructSegment_2
| |
| |
a model of Kernel::ConstructLine_2
| |
| |
a model of Kernel::ConstructRay_2
| |
| |
a model of Kernel::ConstructCircle_2
| |
| |
a model of Kernel::ConstructTriangle_2
| |
| |
a model of Kernel::ConstructIsoRectangle_2
| |
| |
a model of Kernel::ConstructObject_2
| |
| |
a model of Kernel::ConstructScaledVector_2
| |
| |
a model of Kernel::ConstructTranslatedPoint_2
| |
| |
a model of Kernel::ConstructPointOn_2
| |
| |
a model of Kernel::ConstructProjectedPoint_2
| |
| |
a model of Kernel::ConstructProjectedXYPoint_2
| |
| |
a model of Kernel::ConstructCartesianConstIterator_2
| |
| |
a model of Kernel::ConstructVertex_2
| |
| |
a model of Kernel::ConstructBbox_2
| |
| |
a model of Kernel::ConstructPerpendicularVector_2
| |
| |
a model of Kernel::ConstructPerpendicularDirection_2
| |
| |
a model of Kernel::ConstructPerpendicularLine_2
| |
| |
a model of Kernel::ConstructMaxVertex_2
| |
| |
a model of Kernel::ConstructMidpoint_2
| |
| |
a model of Kernel::ConstructMinVertex_2
| |
| |
a model of Kernel::ConstructCenter_2
| |
| |
a model of Kernel::ConstructCentroid_2
| |
| |
a model of Kernel::ConstructCircumcenter_2
| |
| |
a model of Kernel::ConstructBisector_2
| |
| |
a model of Kernel::ConstructOppositeDirection_2
| |
| |
a model of Kernel::ConstructOppositeSegment_2
| |
| |
a model of Kernel::ConstructOppositeRay_2
| |
| |
a model of Kernel::ConstructOppositeLine_2
| |
| |
a model of Kernel::ConstructOppositeTriangle_2
| |
| |
a model of Kernel::ConstructOppositeCircle_2
| |
| |
a model of Kernel::ConstructOppositeVector_2
If the result type is not determined, there is no Construct_ prefix:
| |
a model of Kernel::Intersect_2
| |
| |
a model of Kernel::Assign_2
If the result type is a number type, the prefix is Compute_:
| |
a model of Kernel::ComputeSquaredDistance_2
| |
| |
a model of Kernel::ComputeSquaredLength_2
| |
| |
a model of Kernel::ComputeSquaredRadius_2
| |
| |
a model of Kernel::ComputeArea_2
| |
a model of Kernel::Angle_2
| |
| |
a model of Kernel::Equal_2
| |
| |
a model of Kernel::EqualX_2
| |
| |
a model of Kernel::EqualY_2
| |
| |
a model of Kernel::LessX_2
| |
| |
a model of Kernel::LessY_2
| |
| |
a model of Kernel::LessXY_2
| |
| |
a model of Kernel::LessYX_2
| |
| |
a model of Kernel::CompareX_2
| |
| |
a model of Kernel::CompareXAtY_2
| |
| |
a model of Kernel::CompareY_2
| |
| |
a model of Kernel::CompareXY_2
| |
| |
a model of Kernel::CompareYAtX_2
| |
| |
a model of Kernel::CompareDistance_2
| |
| |
a model of Kernel::CompareAngleWithXAxis_2
| |
| |
a model of Kernel::CompareSlope_2
| |
| |
a model of Kernel::LessDistanceToPoint_2
| |
| |
a model of Kernel::LessSignedDistanceToLine_2
| |
| |
a model of Kernel::LessRotateCCW_2
| |
| |
a model of Kernel::LeftTurn_2
| |
| |
a model of Kernel::Collinear_2
| |
| |
a model of Kernel::Orientation_2
| |
| |
a model of Kernel::SideOfOrientedCircle_2
| |
| |
a model of Kernel::SideOfBoundedCircle_2
| |
| |
a model of Kernel::IsHorizontal_2
| |
| |
a model of Kernel::IsVertical_2
| |
| |
a model of Kernel::IsDegenerate_2
| |
| |
a model of Kernel::HasOn_2
| |
| |
a model of Kernel::CollinearHasOn_2
| |
| |
a model of Kernel::HasOnBoundedSide_2
| |
| |
a model of Kernel::HasOnUnboundedSide_2
| |
| |
a model of Kernel::HasOnBoundary_2
| |
| |
a model of Kernel::HasOnPositiveSide_2
| |
| |
a model of Kernel::HasOnNegativeSide_2
| |
| |
a model of Kernel::OrientedSide_2
| |
| |
a model of Kernel::BoundedSide_2
| |
| |
a model of Kernel::AreParallel_2
| |
| |
a model of Kernel::AreOrderedAlongLine_2
| |
| |
a model of Kernel::AreStrictlyOrderedAlongLine_2
| |
| |
a model of Kernel::CollinearAreOrderedAlongLine_2
| |
| |
a model of Kernel::CollinearAreStrictlyOrderedAlongLine_2
| |
| |
a model of Kernel::CounterclockwiseInBetween_2
| |
| |
a model of Kernel::DoIntersect_2
| |
a model of Kernel::CartesianConstIterator_3
| |
a model of Kernel::Point_3
| |
| |
a model of Kernel::Vector_3
| |
| |
a model of Kernel::Direction_3
| |
| |
a model of Kernel::IsoCuboid_3
| |
| |
a model of Kernel::Line_3
| |
| |
a model of Kernel::Ray_3
| |
| |
a model of Kernel::Sphere_3
| |
| |
a model of Kernel::Segment_3
| |
| |
a model of Kernel::Plane_3
| |
| |
a model of Kernel::Triangle_3
| |
| |
a model of Kernel::Tetrahedron_3
| |
| |
a model of Kernel::Object_3
| |
a model of Kernel::ConstructPoint_3
| |
| |
a model of Kernel::ConstructVector_3
| |
| |
a model of Kernel::ConstructDirection_3
| |
| |
a model of Kernel::ConstructPlane_3
| |
| |
a model of Kernel::ConstructIsoCuboid_3
| |
| |
a model of Kernel::ConstructLine_3
| |
| |
a model of Kernel::ConstructRay_3
| |
| |
a model of Kernel::ConstructSphere_3
| |
| |
a model of Kernel::ConstructSegment_3
| |
| |
a model of Kernel::ConstructTriangle_3
| |
| |
a model of Kernel::ConstructTetrahedron_3
| |
| |
a model of Kernel::ConstructObject_3
| |
| |
a model of Kernel::ConstructScaledVector_3
| |
| |
a model of Kernel::ConstructTranslatedPoint_3
| |
| |
a model of Kernel::ConstructPointOn_3
| |
| |
a model of Kernel::ConstructProjectedPoint_3
| |
| |
a model of Kernel::ConstructLiftedPoint_3
| |
| |
a model of Kernel::ConstructCartesianConstIterator_3
| |
| |
a model of Kernel::ConstructVertex_3
| |
| |
a model of Kernel::ConstructBbox_3
| |
| |
a model of Kernel::ConstructSupportingPlane_3
| |
| |
a model of Kernel::ConstructOrthogonalVector_3
| |
| |
a model of Kernel::ConstructBaseVector_3
| |
| |
a model of Kernel::ConstructPerpendicularPlane_3
| |
| |
a model of Kernel::ConstructPerpendicularLine_3
| |
| |
a model of Kernel::ConstructMidpoint_3
| |
| |
a model of Kernel::ConstructCenter_3
| |
| |
a model of Kernel::ConstructCentroid_3
| |
| |
a model of Kernel::ConstructCircumcenter_3
| |
| |
a model of Kernel::ConstructBisector_3
| |
| |
a model of Kernel::ConstructCrossProductVector_3
| |
| |
a model of Kernel::ConstructOppositeDirection_3
| |
| |
a model of Kernel::ConstructOppositeSegment_3
| |
| |
a model of Kernel::ConstructOppositeRay_3
| |
| |
a model of Kernel::ConstructOppositeLine_3
| |
| |
a model of Kernel::ConstructOppositePlane_3
| |
| |
a model of Kernel::ConstructOppositeSphere_3
| |
| |
a model of Kernel::ConstructOppositeVector_3
If the result type is not determined, there is no Construct_ prefix:
| |
a model of Kernel::Intersect_3
| |
| |
a model of Kernel::Assign_3
If the result type is a number type, the prefix is Compute_:
| |
a model of Kernel::ComputeArea_3
| |
| |
a model of Kernel::ComputeSquaredArea_3
| |
| |
a model of Kernel::ComputeSquaredDistance_3
| |
| |
a model of Kernel::ComputeSquaredLength_3
| |
| |
a model of Kernel::ComputeSquaredRadius_3
| |
| |
a model of Kernel::ComputeVolume_3
| |
a model of Kernel::CartesianConstIterator_d
| |
a model of Kernel::Point_d
| |
a model of Kernel::ConstructPoint_d
For each of the function objects above, there must exist a member function that requires no arguments and returns an instance of that function object. The name of the member function is the uncapitalized name of the type returned with the suffix _object appended. For example, for the function object Kernel::Construct_vector_2 the following member function must exist:
| ||
CGAL d-dimensional Kernel manual.