Date |
Lecture Topics |
Readings |
Assigned Work |
Week 1 |
Lectures |
- Course introduction and goals
- How the course is organized remotely
- The challenge of learning a second programming language
- The challenge of learning C++ as a second programming language
- Historical perspective and philosophical backdrop
- Why C++ is the way it is: design goals
- Virtualization: Running more than one operating system simultaneously
- Quick overview of the ICS 45C VM development environment
- Compilation and linking of a C++ program (briefly)
- The main() function
- Types and static type checking
- Basic built-in data types
- Console output using std::cout (briefly)
- Expressions and statements
- The if statement
- while and for loops
- The distinction between lvalues and rvalues
- Declaration vs. definition
- Calling and declaring functions
- Parameters and arguments
Th 3/31 |
- Begin working through Project #0
- Aim to have the ICS 45C set up and ready to run today
Week 2 |
Lectures |
- The std::string type
- A brief overview of standard input using std::cin
- Separate compilation and linking
- Source and header files
- The #include directive
- Deciding on the boundaries between source files
- Guarding against multiple inclusion of the same header file
- Behind the scenes of a C++ program
- The Von Neumann architecture (briefly)
- Registers, instruction pointers, stack pointers, and frame pointers
- Calling conventions
W 4/6 |
Week 3 |
Lectures |
- References
- Pass-by-value vs. pass-by-reference parameters
- Type conversions between basic built-in types
- Function overloading
- Default arguments
- The heap (also known as the free store)
- Heap-based memory allocation
- The importance of cleaning up heap-allocated memory
- Pointers
- new and delete
- The nullptr constant
W 4/13 |
F 4/15 |
Week 4 |
Lectures |
- Single-dimension arrays
- Statically- and dynamically-allocated arrays
- How arrays and pointers are related
- Passing arrays as parameters to functions
- The delete[] operator
- C-style strings (and why we mostly avoid them)
- Constants and the const qualifier
- How const affects references and pointers
- On the need for creating new types
- Structures
- Members in a structure
- Statically- and dynamically-allocated structures
- The . and -> operators
- Uniform initialization and structures
Videos |
- Illuminating the dark corners
- Undefined behavior in C++
- Misuing memory
- Memory leaks and dangling pointers
- Valgrind and Memcheck (briefly)
- The LLDB debugger (briefly)
W 4/20 |
Week 5 |
Lectures |
- The (lack of a) distinction between built-in types and user-defined types
- What is object-oriented programming?
- Classes
- Declaring classes
- Access control (public and private)
- Constructors
- Member variables and member functions in a class
- Statically- and dynamically-allocated objects of a class
- Separating interface from implementation
- Properly implementing constructors (e.g., using initializers)
- The this pointer
- Making a class const-aware
- Function objects, std::function, and lambda expressions
Videos |
- Implementing linked data structures
- Unit testing
- Writing unit tests using Google Test
W 4/27 |
F 4/29 |
Week 6 |
Lectures |
- "Well-behaved" classes
- Managing object lifetime
- Managing other objects allocated by an object
- Destructors
- Building a "well-behaved" ArrayList class
- Copy constructors
- Overloading the assignment operator
- Guarding against self-assignment
W 5/4 |
Week 7 |
Lectures |
- std: The C++ Standard Library
- Standard collections: std::vector and std::list
- Iterators
- auto and type inference
- Generic algorithms
- Inheritance
- Constructors and derived classes
- Order of construction and destruction of member variables
- Layout of objects of derived classes
- Virtual functions and polymorphism
- Why destructors sometimes need to be virtual, but constructors don't
W 5/11 |
F 5/13 |
Week 8 |
Lectures |
- Pure virtual functions
- Abstract base classes
- Why a class with nothing but pure virtual functions is still useful
- Implicit type conversions (briefly)
- Explicit constructors (briefly)
- Static members of a class
- Designing classes more carefully
- Contracts
- Preconditions and postconditions
- Class invariants
- Exceptions
- Throwing and catching exceptions
- Exception safety
W 5/18 |
Week 9 |
Lectures |
- Why exceptions have a profound impact on design in C++
- The "resource acquisition is initialization" (RAII) technique
- Depending on destructors to automate release of memory and other resources
- The "Rule of Zero"
- Implementing a simple smart pointer
- Why we need templates
- Function templates
- Class templates
W 5/25 |
Week 10 |
Lectures |
- Something fun to be announced later (time permitting)
M 5/30 |
University Holiday: Memorial Day — NO LABS TODAY
Tu 5/31 |
W 6/1 |
Finals Week |
Th 6/9 |
- FINAL EXAM: 4:00pm-6:00pm, EH 1200