Documentation>C API
VlScaleSpaceGeometry Struct Reference

Geometry of a scale space. More...

#include <scalespace.h>

Data Fields

vl_size width
vl_size height
vl_index firstOctave
vl_index lastOctave
vl_size octaveResolution
vl_index octaveFirstSubdivision
vl_index octaveLastSubdivision
double baseScale
double nominalScale

Detailed Description

There are a few restrictions on the valid geometrties.

Field Documentation

double VlScaleSpaceGeometry::baseScale

Base smoothing (smoothing of octave 0, level 0)

vl_index VlScaleSpaceGeometry::firstOctave

Index of the fisrt octave

vl_size VlScaleSpaceGeometry::height

Image height

vl_index VlScaleSpaceGeometry::lastOctave

Index of the last octave

double VlScaleSpaceGeometry::nominalScale

Nominal smoothing of the original image

vl_index VlScaleSpaceGeometry::octaveFirstSubdivision

Index of the first octave subdivision

vl_index VlScaleSpaceGeometry::octaveLastSubdivision

Index of the last octave subdivision

vl_size VlScaleSpaceGeometry::octaveResolution

Number of octave subdivisions

vl_size VlScaleSpaceGeometry::width

Image width

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