Documentation>C API
VlAIB Struct Reference

AIB algorithm data. More...

#include <aib.h>

Data Fields

vl_uint nentries
double * beta
vl_uint nwhich
double * Pcx
double * Px
double * Pc
vl_uint nvalues
vl_uint nlabels
double * costs

Detailed Description

The implementation is quite straightforward, but the way feature values are handled in order to support efficient joins, deletions and re-arrangement needs to be explained. This is achieved by adding a layer of indirection:

  • Call each feature value (either original or obtained by a join operation) a node. Nodes are identified by numbers.
  • Call each element of the various arrays (such as VlAIB::Px) an entry.
  • Entries are dynamically associated to nodes as specified by VlAIB::nodes. For example, Px[i] refers to the node nodes[i].

Field Documentation

double* VlAIB::beta

Minimum distance to an entry

vl_uint* VlAIB::bidx

Closest entry

double* VlAIB::costs

Cost of each merge

vl_uint VlAIB::nentries

Total number of entries (= # active nodes)

vl_uint VlAIB::nlabels

Number of labels

vl_uint* VlAIB::nodes

Entires to nodes

vl_uint VlAIB::nvalues

Number of feature values

vl_uint VlAIB::nwhich

Number of entries to update

vl_uint* VlAIB::parents

Array of parents

double* VlAIB::Pc


double* VlAIB::Pcx

Joint probability table

double* VlAIB::Px


vl_uint* VlAIB::which

List of entries to update

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: