Documentation>C API
qsort-def.h File Reference

QSort preprocessor metaprogram. More...

#include "host.h"
#include <assert.h>


#define VL_QSORT_array   VL_QSORT_type*
#define VL_QSORT_prefix   QSortPrefix
#define VL_QSORT_type   QSortType
#define VL_QSORT_array   QSortType*


VL_QSORT_type VL_QSORT_cmp (VL_QSORT_array_const array, vl_uindex indexA, vl_uindex indexB)
 Compare two array elements. More...
void VL_QSORT_swap (VL_QSORT_array array, vl_uindex indexA, vl_uindex indexB)
 Swap two array elements. More...
void VL_QSORT_sort_recursive (VL_QSORT_array array, vl_uindex begin, vl_uindex end)
 Sort portion of an array using quicksort. More...
void VL_QSORT_sort (VL_QSORT_array array, vl_size size)
 Sort array using quicksort. More...

Detailed Description

Andrea Vedaldi


qsort-def.h is a metaprogram to define specialized instances of the quick-sort algorithm.


qsort-def.h is used to define a specialization of the VL_QSORT_sort function that operates on a given type of array. For instance the code

#define VL_QSORT_type float
#define VL_QSORT_prefix my_qsort
#include <vl/qsort-def.h>

defines a function my_qsort_sort that operates on an array of floats.

large array compatibility.

Macro Definition Documentation

#define VL_QSORT_array   VL_QSORT_type*

Data type of the qsort container

#define VL_QSORT_array   QSortType*

Data type of the qsort container

#define VL_QSORT_prefix   QSortPrefix

Prefix of the qsort functions

#define VL_QSORT_type   QSortType

Data type of the qsort elements

Function Documentation

VL_QSORT_type VL_QSORT_cmp ( VL_QSORT_array_const  array,
vl_uindex  indexA,
vl_uindex  indexB 
arrayqsort array.
indexAindex of the first element A to compare.
indexBindex of the second element B to comapre.
a negative number if A<B, 0 if A==B, and a positive number if if A>B.
void VL_QSORT_sort ( VL_QSORT_array  array,
vl_size  size 
array(in/out) pointer to the array.
sizesize of the array.

The function sorts the array using quick-sort.

void VL_QSORT_sort_recursive ( VL_QSORT_array  array,
vl_uindex  begin,
vl_uindex  end 
array(in/out) pointer to the array.
beginfirst element of the array portion.
endlast element of the array portion.

The function sorts the array using quick-sort. Note that begin must be not larger than end.

void VL_QSORT_swap ( VL_QSORT_array  array,
vl_uindex  indexA,
vl_uindex  indexB 
arrayqsort array.
indexAindex of the first element to swap.
indexBindex of the second element to swap.

The function swaps the two elements a and @ b. The function uses a temporary element of type VL_QSORT_type and the copy operator =.