11th IEEE International Conference on Global Software Engineering

Orange County, California - USA
August 2-5, 2016

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Goal and Scope

The goal of the ICGSE Doctoral Symposium is to create a forum for PhD students working on foundations, techniques, methods and tools in the area of Global Software Engineering (GSE). It will provide participants with an opportunity to present and discuss their research with senior researchers of the Global Software Engineering community in a constructive and friendly atmosphere. Experts in GSE will provide students with feedback on their research, allowing students to ask questions about how they can overcome obstacles or enhance their current research proposals.

During the main ICGSE conference students will be encouraged to present a poster of their research, and participate in the “PhD Student Hour”. During the PhD Student Hour, students can perform surveys, interviews and case studies, or ask different experts for their opinions and advice.

The scope of research topics of the Doctoral Symposium is the same as for the main conference (see main conference’s call for papers). Therefore, we invite research proposals relating to issues or solutions in GSE (where GSE covers any software development undertaken by multi-site teams with cultural and language distances, and dispersion over time and space. Global distance issues can also span most stages of the software lifecycle, and we are therefore looking for proposals for new techniques, tools and practices that might come from many disciplines such as Software Engineering, Computer Science, Management, Sociology and Business Project Management. Submissions may discuss any aspects of GSE.

Students who submit a proposal to the Doctoral Symposium should have decided on a research topic, and have a proposal for a suitable research study. Preferably, students should have more than one year left of their research program to complete in order to be able to incorporate the feedback obtained during the symposium into their dissertation.


Research proposals submitted to the Doctoral Symposium should be a maximum of 4 pages, including references and figures, and should be formatted using the same IEEE submission template stipulated for the main conference papers.

Each submission must include:

* Title

* Researcher’s name (as single author) and affiliation

* Supervisor(s) name(s) included in acknowledgements

* Abstract and list of keywords

* List of keywords

* A complete list of references

Research proposals will be subjected to a single-blind review.

Submissions should at least discuss the following elements:

* The background of the research

* The motivation for the research

* The research question(s) addressed in the study

* A description of the proposed research method

The proposal should be presented in a structured manner at least comprising: background/context, motivation, problem, gaps, (initial) research questions, and proposed method, and optionally initial results, conclusions and future work. The abstract should not exceed 150 words.

Students in the later stages of their research are encouraged to include an overview of their completed research activities.

Along with your submission, please attach an informal letter from your supervisor stating his/her support of the submission.

   Important Dates

Submission Due March 21, 2016 (Extended to April 14)
Notification March 31, 2016 (Extended to April 18)
Registration May 16, 2016 (Extended to May 27)
Camera Ready May 16, 2016 (Extended to May 27)
Doctoral Symposium Aug 3, 2016

Submission Procedure

Research proposals should be submitted via e-mail to:

Marco Kuhrmann: kuhrmann@mmmi.sdu.dk and

Sarah Beecham: sarah.beecham@lero.ie

Further details about the ICGSE’16 conference can be found on the main conference site at www.icgse.org


Accepted Doctoral Symposium proposals will be included in the proceedings of the International Conference on Global Software Engineering (workshop proceedings), which will be published by IEEE. Authors of accepted proposals are required to register for the conference at the early bird rate and present the proposal in person at the Doctoral Symposium or the proposal will not be included in the proceedings and will not be visible in online indexing systems.


Students will give a presentation on their work for about 20 minutes, which will be followed by discussion sessions during which students will be given feedback on their work by members of the Doctoral Symposium panel, Doctoral Symposium chairs and other students. A separate “PhD Student Hour” gives extra (informal) space for discussion.

Also available in PDF.

call for papers doctoral symposium pdf

For any queries please contact Doctoral Symposium Chairs:

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Marco Kuhrmann (kuhrmann@mmm.sdu.dk ) or Dr. Sarah Beecham sarah.beecham@lero.ie)