The Usher Zelig Miller Family

Usher Zelig
(1841 - 1923 [5 Kislev]), son of Yisroel Yitzchok Miller,
married Chaya Tzivya Wildstein & they lived in Wielopole Skrzynskie, Galicia.
Later on, they moved to Wadowice, where Usher Zelig was a shochet.
He was also chazan for the High Holy days.
They had several children, although very little information regarding
the family is known.
Almost the entire family perished in the Holocaust.
- Ozer
(186? - 19?) married a Klagsbald. They had several children and lived
in Chrzanow, Galicia. Ozer died before the Holocaust. However, most of his
family perished. I am still trying to find out more information regarding this family.
- Moshe
(1870 - 1924 [5 Adar II]) married Faigel Rappaport, daughter of R. Boruch (who was married to a Reigler), and had 5 children. Moshe was first shochet in Amsana (Mszana Dolna), and later dayan & chazan in Wadowice, Galicia. In his later years his vision became impaired but he was still able to daven flawlessly, by heart. In fact, his memory was so good that he could open just the bottom portion of any page in Shulchan Aruch (Code of Jewish Law) and by reading the last few lines of the commentary (Pri Migadim), be able to recite the entire page. He also maintained a yeshiva out of his home. Faigel perished in the Holocaust, on 20 Tamuz, 1943. Almost the entire remainder of the family also perished.
- Chezkel Shraga (c.1886 - 1942 [20 Tamuz]) married his cousin,
Gittel Miller. They lived in Wadowice & had three children. He was a chazan there, filling his father's position, after he passed away. They later moved to Auschwitz, where Chezkel Shraga was a chazan and a shochet. During the war they managed to escape the deportations and fled the city. They were caught at the border of Czechoslovakia and Germany & were killed one by one.
Avrohm, Moshe, & Esther
- Esther (18? - 1942 [20 Tamuz]) married Chaskel Schrod, a Bobover chasid and a dayan. They lived in Auschwitz & had 5 children. They all perished in the Holocaust.
child, child, child, child, & child
- Ahron (? - 1942?) married a girl from Auschwitz & had 4 children. They all perished in the Holocaust.
child, child, child, & child
- Ittle (? - 1942 [20 Tamuz]) married a Raab. They lived in Chrzanow, Galicia, & had 5 children. They all perished in the Holocaust.
child, child, child, child, & child
- Shlome Boruch (Jan 13 1906 - 1996 [29 Kislev]) married Esther Zaks, in 1926. He changed his name to his maternal grandmother's maiden name; Reigler. They lived in Jarwarsnia, Galicia, but had no children. Esther perished in the Holocaust. After the war, Shlome Boruch came to Brooklyn, where he remarried, to Rivka Lubling, & had 3 children.
Faigy Liefer, Chaim Benzion, & Moshe
- Ettel
(18? - 19?) married Yankel Weissbloom. They lived in Wadowice, Galicia & had children.
Most of this family, with the exception of one son, perished in the Holocaust. The one son (Moshe) moved to Israel, but passed away around 1980. I am still trying to find out more information regarding this family.
- Hersh Shlomo
(April 2, 1874 - 19?) showed up in the Slovakian records. He was born in Lenartov, Slovakia, his grandfather's hometown. I am still trying to find out more information regarding this family.

I would be very interested to hear from anyone with knowledge or an interest in the Miller family.
Moishe Miller
My home address is
1374 East 28th Street
Brooklyn NY 11210-5311
Last updated 9/2/00