The Avrom'ala Wadowice Miller Family

(Nov 4, 1853 - 1921/2 [Teves/Shevat 5682]), son of Yisroel Yitzchok Miller, was born in Lenartov, Slovakia. His mohel was Don Frankel. Avrohm married Chana Yehudis, daughter of Moshe Leib Neuman. They first lived in Myslenice, where he was shochet. They then moved to Wadowice,
Galicia, where he was shochet and also a chazan. They had 17 children, 9 of which survived to adulthood.
- Bayla
(c.1870 - c.1942) married around 1895, to Tovia Einhorn, of Limanowa, Galicia. They lived in Wadowice, Galicia, where they had 10 daughters and 1 son. Tovia supported himself as a fish merchant. After his father-in-law passed away, he became shochet and also a chazan in Wadowice. The family also moved into Avrohm's house, shared by Bayla's youngest brother, Ozer. One of Bayla and Tovia's sons-in-law was a man named Levi, living in Liminov, Poland. Almost all of the family perished in the Holocaust.
According to the Wadowice Yizkor book, Tovia and a portion of his family were sent to Auschwitz on 9 Av, 1943.
- Etka (? - 194?) married a Merzel and had children. They all perished in the Holocaust.
- Roiza (? - 194?) married a Sternshus and had children. They all perished in the Holocaust.
- Sida (? - 194?) married a Grushov and had children. They all perished in the Holocaust.
- Lutka (? - 194?) married a Hirschfeld and had children. They all perished in the Holocaust.
- Hela (19? - 194?) was married with children. They all perished in the Holocaust.
- Manya (19? - 194?) was married with children. They all perished in the Holocaust.
- Yisroel Yitzchok married and had children. He survived the Holocaust and lives in Israel.
- Freida married Shlomo Bader and had children. She survived the Holocaust and lives in Israel.
- Tushka married a Laufer and had children. She survived the Holocaust and lives in Venezuela.
- Kula (19? - 194?) was married with children. She survived the Holocaust.
- girl (19? - 194?) was married with children. They perished in the Holocaust.
- Shaya Zelig
(c.1870 - c.1942) was married to a Reifer and they had 3 daughters. He then married (Liba) Tzirel, daughter of Meir Baigel, and they had 9 children. He was much older than her. Shaya Zelig was an expert shochet, first living in Mislenice and then in Krakow. He was so fast that people used to come and watch him, just to learn his technique. He was killed in the Pordguze Lager. Almost all of the family perished in the Holocaust.
- Feigel (1? - 194?) married Nechemya Reifer. They lived in Auschwitz and had children. They perished in the Holocaust.
Shlomo & others
- girl (? - 194?) was another daughter from Shaya Zelig's first marrriage. Nothing is known about her.
- girl (? - 194?) was another daughter from Shaya Zelig's first marriage. Nothing is known about her.
- Gittel (? - 194?) married Yechezkel Ginsburg. They lived in Krakow and had children. They all perished in the Holocaust.
- girl (? - 194?) married Ichel Getz and had children. They perished in the Holocaust.
- Shlomo (1906 - 1990 [24 Adar]) married Gusta and had 2 children. They lived in Wisnica, where Shlomo was a mohel and a baker. There was a prison in Wisnica and Shlomo supplied it with bakery products. The husband of one of Shlomo's workers (a gentile) was incarcerated there. Shlomo was instrumental in obtaining his release. When the deportations began, this man offered to hide Shlomo's children, out of appreciation for his past assistance. Before Shlomo was actually able to place his children with him, they were deported by the Nazis. Shlomo's children perished in the Holocaust. After the war he lived in Brooklyn, NY, with his wife, Gusta.
Avrohm Chaim & Rochel Leah
- Fishel (19? - 194?) married the Zeklecin shochet's daughter and they had children. Fishel himself was a shochet. They perished in the Holocaust.
- Sala married Yechezkel Teitelbaum. They lived in Krakow and had 1 son. He was handicapped (he couldn't walk). She survived the Holocaust, the rest of the family did not.
- Moshe Leib married his cousin, Sara Sammet. They lived in Krakow and may have had children. After the war he remarried to Ella from Tarnow (Tuna). They settled in Haifa, Israel and had 2 daughters. One of these daughters married Yitzchok Perl from Haifa, Israel, and has a son who resides in Kfar Saba, Israel.
children?, Yola & Lola
- Leah (19?- 19?) passed away before the Holocaust. She suffered a brain aneurysm.
- Esther (19? - 194?) was not married. She perished in the Holocaust, together with her mother, Tzirel.
- Sholom (19? - 194?) was married with children. He was Shaindel's twin. The family perished in the Holocaust.
- Shaindel (19? - 194?) was married with children. She was Sholom's twin. The family perished in the Holocaust.
- Shlomo
(1875/9 - 1944?) married Henya Goldstein and lived in Gelsenkirchen (near Disldorf), Germany. They had 11 children. All but Avrohm took their mother's maiden name, Neuman. Later on, Avrohm also took the name Neuman.
- Yeshaya (? - ?)
- Manya (19? - 19?) married Aryeh Horowitz. They had 7 children.
Avrohm, Chaim Tzvi, Ruchama Tzor, Yisroel Menachem, Shmuel, Shlomo Eliyahu, & Sarah
- Gittel (19? - 19?) married Herschel Linker. They had no children.
- Yisroel Yitzchok (? - ?)
- Nussanel (? - ?) married Chava Blitz. They had 1 daughter.
Yehudit Barkan
- Yakov (? - ?) married Bayla and had 2 children.
Avrohm & Tziporah Elmog
- Sabka married Pinchus Hoffert and has 2 children.
Shlomo & Michael
- Yosef Neuman married his first cousin, Sarah Raizel Steinberg. They live in Bnei Brak, Israel, and have 3 children. He related many of the details of this branch.
Zvika, Eliezer & Hani Ainat Halberstam
- Leah (? - ?) married Menachem Foyerman and had 4 children.
Shlomo, Daniel, Aryeh, & Tziporah
- Eli (? - ?)
- Avrohm (? - ?) married Leah Yeager (Bar) and had 4 children.
Moshe Yoram, Orna, Vaarda, & Shlomit Shapira
- Chaya
(18? - 19?) married Avrohm Sammet, son of Yokil Volf Sammet, dayan in Auschwitz. They had 12 children and lived in Wadowice. Avrohm did not have a livelihood, and frequently visited his sister, Matel Neumark, in Auschwitz. The family perished in the Holocaust.
- Yisroel Yitzchok (? - 194?) married Gusta and had 4 children. He lived in Marianske Lazne (Marienbad), Czechoslovakia, where he was shochet. The family perished in the Holocaust.
Esther, Shaindel, Chana, & Pinchus
- Yokil Volf (? - 194?) married Chana, and they had 1 daughter. He perished in the Holocaust.
- Sala (? - 194?) married her cousin, Moshe Leib Miller. They lived in Krakow and may have had children. She perished in the Holocaust.
- Leah (? - 194?) perished in the Holocaust.
- Yenta (? - 194?) perished in the Holocaust.
- Chava (? - 194?) perished in the Holocaust.
- Roiza (? - 194?) perished in the Holocaust.
- Mindel (? - 194?) perished in the Holocaust.
- Pera (? - 194?) was married to a Domst. They perished in the Holocaust.
- girl (? - 194?) perished in the Holocaust.
- girl (? - 194?) perished in the Holocaust.
- girl (? - 194?) perished in the Holocaust.
- Eliyahu
(18? - 194?) married Yocheved Gittfrieder (daughter of R. Shaul, dayan in Auschwitz) and had 6 children. They lived in Auschwitz, Poland. The family, except for Sala, perished in the Holocaust. Most of the children were not married before the war.
- Sala (1925 - 19?) married Nathan Fass. They had no children.
- Leah (19? - 194?) married Leibele Tuna (of Tarnow?). They perished in the Holocaust.
- Gittel (19? - 194?) perished in the Holocaust.
- Reuven (19? - 194?) perished in the Holocaust. According to Abba Miller, Reuven was a chavrusa with Herschel Neuman-Miller (Abba's father) in pre-war Auschwitz.
- Yitzchok (19? - 194?) perished in the Holocaust.
- Avrohm (19? - 194?) perished in the Holocaust.
- Shabsy
(18? - 19?) married, Itka, a daughter of the Zakopane shochet. After serving as shochet in Zakopane, they moved to Wadowice and had 6 children. Shabsi also worked in Berlin as an accountant. The entire family, except for Henya, perished in the Holocaust.
- Yisroel (19? - 194?) perished in the Holocaust.
- Henya (1915 - [25 Mar Cheshvan] 1989) married Shmiel Wiel. They lived in Tarnov (Tuna), Galicia, and had a boy. Shmiel and the infant boy both perished in the Holocaust. In March 1946, Henya married Keva (Akiva) Koschitzki. They lived in Israel and had 2 sons.
boy, Moshe & Yisroel
- child (19? - 194?) perished in the Holocaust.
- child (19? - 194?) perished in the Holocaust.
- child (19? - 194?) perished in the Holocaust.
- child (19? - 194?) perished in the Holocaust.
- Chaim Shimon
(1880 - 1941/2) married Gittel Kanner. They had 5 children and lived in Auschwitz, Galicia, where he was mohel. They and their oldest sons, with their families, perished in the Holocaust.
- Moshe (1903 - 1942?) married a Cizner and had 2 daughters. They lived in Chrzanow, Galicia, where Moshe had a fish store. They all perished in the Holocaust.
Yehudis & Sarah Chana
- Shlomo (1905 - 1942?) married Tzivya, lived in Brzesko, Galicia, and had 2 daughters. They all perished in the Holocaust.
girl & girl
- Yisroel (1908 - 1925?) died young.
- Ahron (1911 - 2000) was first married to Ittel Berger. They lived in Javozna and had 2 children, a 15 month old and a 3 month old. When the Nazis came they made a line of all the people. Ahron's wife saw them sending healthy men to the other line if they had a wife and children together with them. She discarded her wedding ring and said that the man next to her (Ahron) was not her husband, he was just helping her. She and the children perished, but Ahron survived. After the war he married Bayla Katz. They have 7 children and lived in Brooklyn NY, where Ahron became known as the Bobower Mohel. Just before the war, Ahron had received a contract to be both mohel and shochet in Katowice. The war prevented him from ever filling that post. His grandson, Benzion Mandelbaum, maintains a website in his memorial at
Faigela, Chaya Yehudis, Moshe Chaim, BenZion, Esther Mandelbaum, Avrohm Shlomo,
Tcharna Rivka Cziment, Shaya Layzer, & Yitzchok Meir
- Herschel Newman ([3 Tamuz]1915 - 2000 [2 Tamuz]) married Regina Berger, sister of his brother's (Ahron) first wife. They lived in Brooklyn, NY and have 6 children. Herschel took his paternal grandmother's last name when he arrived in the US.
Chaya Gittel Walzer, Chaim Shimon, Aba, Yankel, Yeedis Halberstam & Faige Greenwald
- Gittel
(188? - 1942?) married her cousin, Chezkel Shraga Miller. They lived in Wadowice and had three children. They later moved to Auschwitz, where Chezkel Shraga was a chazan and a shochet. During the war they managed to escape the deportations and fled the city. They were caught at the border of Czechoslovakia and Germany and were killed one by one.
- Avrohm (19? - 194?) perished in the Holocaust.
- Moshe (19? - 194?) perished in the Holocaust.
- Esther (19? - 194?) perished in the Holocaust.
- Ozer
(189? - 1942?) married Mecha Ibbersfeld, the daughter of the Sucha shochet. They lived in Wadowice, in the same building as Ozer's father, Avrohm. Ozer was a shochet, chazan, mohel, and melamid (teacher). They had 11 sons and 1 daughter. None of the children were married. The oldest, Gittel, was only about 17. The entire family perished in the Holocaust.
- Gittel (c.1925 - 1942?) perished in the Holocaust.
- Shlomo Lipa (19? - 194?) perished in the Holocaust.
- Avrohm (19? - 194?) perished in the Holocaust.
- Elimelech (19? - 194?) perished in the Holocaust.
- Moshe Leib (19? - 194?) perished in the Holocaust.
- Yisroel Yitzchok (19? - 194?) perished in the Holocaust.
- Yehoshua (19? - 194?) perished in the Holocaust.
- boy (19? - 194?) perished in the Holocaust.
- boy (19? - 194?) perished in the Holocaust.
- boy (19? - 194?) perished in the Holocaust.
- boy (19? - 194?) perished in the Holocaust.
- boy (19? - 194?) perished in the Holocaust.
- Miksa
(1 Jan 1895 - ?) is listed in JewishGen has being born to Abraham Miller and Juli Neuman. The birth occured in Grancs and was registered at the town of SzepesVaralja, 53-245, in the megye of Szepes. The notes state, "father b. in Obrucsno (Saros). Sandak Lipot LICHTMAN."; citing LDS 1739898, Item 5.

I would be very interested to hear from anyone with knowledge or an interest in the Miller family.
Moishe Miller
My home address is
1374 East 28th Street
Brooklyn NY 11210-5311
Last updated 12 Feb 2024