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ICS-275A, Constraint Networks, Fall 2001
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Constraint Proccessing:

Chapter 1 and 2 PS | PDF

Chapter 3 PS | PDF

Chapter 4 PS | PDF

Chapter 5 PS | PDF

Chapter 6 PS | PDF

Chapter 8 PS | PDF

Chapter 9 PS | PDF

Chapter 10 PS | PDF

Chapter 13: "Boosting Search With Variable EliminationPS | PDF

  1. Introduction
    1. A. Mackworth Constraint Satisfaction S. Shapiro, Encyclopedia of Artificial Intelligence, Wiley & Sons inc. December 1991
    2. R. Dechter Constraint Networks S. Shapiro, Encyclopedia of Artificial Intelligence Wiley and Sons, December, 1991
    3. "Some Applications of the Constraint Satisfaction Problem", Nadel, Bernard A., Computer Science Dept., Wayne State University, Detroit, MI, June, 1990.
  2. Local consistency algorithms
    1. D.E. Waltz, "Understanding Line Drawing of Scenes with Shadows", in P.H. Winston, ed., The Psychology of Computer Vision, McGraw-Hill Book, Co., Inc., New York 1975.
    2. U. Montanari, "Networks of constraints: Fundamental properties and applications to picture processing", Information Science, Vol. 7 1974, pp. 95-132 
    3. A. K. Mackworth, "Consistency in networks of relations", Artificial Intelligence, Vol 8, 1977 pp 65-73.
    4. A.K. Mackworth, E.C. Freuder, "The complexity of some polynomial network consistency algorithms for constraint satisfaction problems", Artificial Intelligence, Vol. 25, No. 1, 1984
    5. Mohr, R. and Henderson T.C. "Arc and path consistency revisited" Artificial Intelligence 28(2) (1986) 225-233
    6. Dechter R. "From local to global consistency" Artificial intelligence,1992.
    7. van Beek, P. Dechter R., "On the minimality and Decomposability of row-convex constraint networks". Journal of the ACM, Vol 42, No. 3, May 1995, pp. 543{561.
    8. R. Dechter and P. van Beek "Local and global relational consistency" Journal of Theoretical Computer Science, Vol 173(1), PP. 283-308, 1997.
    9. van Beek P., Dechter R., "Constraint tightness and looseness versus local and global consistency" Journal of ACM, VOL 44, NO. 4, JolY 1997, PP. 549-566.
  3. Backtracking schemes
    1. Davis, M. and Putnam, H. "A computing procedure for quantification theory J. Assoc. Comput. Mach", 7, 1960, 201-2015.
    2. M. Davis, G. Logemann and D. Loveland, "A machine program for theorem proving" Communication of the ACM, 5, 1962, pp. 394-397.
    3. D. McAllester, "Boolean Constraint Propagation and Dependency directed Backtracking", MIT report
    4. J. Gaschnig "Experimental case studies of backtrack vs. Waltz type new algorithms for satisfying assignment problems", In the scnd Biennial Conference of the Canadian Society of Computational Studies of Intelligence. Toronto, 1977.
    5. J. Gaschnig "A general backtrack algorithm that eliminates most redundant tests", IJCAI-1977, Menlo Park, CA. pp. 457-
    6. R. M. Haralick and G. L. Elliott, "Increasing tree-search efficiency for constraint satisfaction problems Artificial Intelligence, Vol. 14 1980, pp 263-313
    7. R. Dechter, "Enhancement schemes for constraint processing: backjumping, learning, and cutset decomposition Artificial Intelligence, Vol. 41, No. 3, January 1990 pp. 273-312
    8. P. W. Purdom, "Search rearrangement backtracking and polynomial average time Artificial Intelligence", Vol. 21, 1983 pp.117-133
    9. P. W. Purdom and Brown C., "An average time analysis of backtracking", SIAM journal of computing 10(3): 583-593.
    10. R. Dechter and D. Frost "Backtracking algorithms for constraint satisfaction problems - a survey"
    11. Kondrak and van Beek "A Theoretical evaluation of selected backtracking algorithms" IN AIJ 1997.
  4. Network-based Algorithms
    1. E.C. Freuder, "A suficient condition for backtrack-free search", Journal of the ACM, Vol. 29, No. 1 January 1982 pp. 24-32.
    2. R. Dechter and J. Pearl, "Network-based heuristics for constraint-satisfaction problems", Artificial Intelligence, Vol. 34 No. 1 December, 1987 pp. 1-38
    3. R. Dechter and J. Pearl, "Tree-clustering Schemes for Constraint Net works", Artificial Intelligence, 38 (1989), pp. 353-366.
    4. R. Dechter, A. Dechter, J. Pearl. "Optimization in constraint-networks", In Influence Diagrams, Belief Nets and Decision Analysis, Edited by R.M. Oliver and J.Q. Smith, 1990, John Wiley.
    5. R. Dechter "Bucket elimination: a unifying framework for processing hard and soft constraints" CONSTRAINT: An International Journal, 2,51-55 (1997).
  5. Tractable classes
    1. van Beek, P. Dechter R., "On the minimality and Decomposability of row-convex constraint networks". Journal of the ACM, Vol 42, No. 3, May 1995, pp. 543{561.
    2. R. Dechter and P. van Beek "Local and global relational consistency" Journal of Theoretical Computer Science, Vol 173(1), PP. 283-308, 1997.
    3. van Beek P., Dechter R., "Constraint tightness and looseness versus local and global consistency" Journal of ACM, VOL 44, NO. 4, JolY 1997, PP. 549-566.
  6. Temporal Constraint Networks
    1. J.F Allen. "Maintaining knowledge about temporal intervals", Communications of the ACM, Vol. 26 No. 11 November, 1983 pp. 832-843
    2. M. Vilain and H. Kautz. "Constraint propagation algorithms for temporal reasoning", Proceedings AAAI-86 Phila, PA 1986 pp 377-382
    3. R. Dechter, I. Meiri and J. Pearl. "Temporal Constraint Networks", Artifi cial Intelligence, 49 (1991) pp. 61-95.
    4. P. van-Beek and R. Cohen. "Approximation algorithms for temporal reasoning", Proceedings IJCAI-89 Detroit, Michigan 1989
    5. I. Meiri. "Combining Qualitative and Quantitative Constraints in Temporal Reasoning", Artificial Intelligence, 1996.
    6. M. C. Golumbic and R. Shamir. "Algorithms and complexity for reasoning about time", In AAAI-92, San Jose, CA. pp. 741-747
    7. M. C. Golumbic. "Survey on Temporal reaasoning".
  7. Local Search and Annealing
    1. Selman, B. Levesque, H. J., and Mitchell, D.G. (1992) "A new method for solving hard satisfiability problems", Proceedings AAAI-92, San Jose, CA, 1992.
    2. S. Minton, Johnston. M. D., Philips, A. B., and Laird, P. (1990) "Solving large-scale constraint satisfaction using a heuristic repair method", Proceedings AAAI-90, 1990, 17-24.
    3. Hinton, Sejnowsky, Ackley, Boltzmann. "Machines: Constraint Satisfaction Networks that Learn", CMU Report, 1984.
    4. Kirpatrick, Gelatt and Vecchi. "Optimization by Simolated Annealing", Science 1983.
  8. Languages for applications
    1. D. McAllester. "Truth Maintenance", Proceedings AAAI-90 Boston, MA Joly, 1990 1109-1115
    2. R. Dechter and A. Dechter. "Belief maintenance in dynamic constraint networks", Proceedings AAAI-88, St. Paol, Minnesota: August, 1988
    3. J. de Kleer. "A comparison of ATMS and CSP techniques", In Ijcai-89, Detroit Michigen, pp. 290-296.
  9. Constraint Logic Programming
    1. Jaffar, J. and Lassez, J.L. "Constraint Logic Programming", Proceeding of the 14th ACM Conference on Principles of Programming Languages, 111-119.
    2. Borning A., Maher, M. et al. "Constraint Hierarchies and Logic Programming", Proceeding of the 6th Logic Programming Conference, pp. 149-164, 1988.
    3. Van Hentenryck etal., "The Constraint Logic Programming Language CHIP", Proceedings of Intern. Conference on Fith Generation Computer Systems, Japan 1988.
  10. Others
    1. An Algorithm for Optimal Winner Determination in Combinatorial Auctions
    2. Algorithm for Optimizing Leveled Commitment Contracts
    3. New Algoritms for Golomb Ruler Derviation and Proof of the 19 Mark Ruler
    4. Mining the Genome
    5. Bandwidth Allocation Planning in Communication Networks