Project Information
Students should form teams of 2 or 3 students (preferable 3) for each project.
Project can be of two types:
a) Article-centered project
A project can be centered on 1-2 primary articles selected from the recent conferences that are listed.
The idea is that the paper will open a window to a subject that the students read and explore also background and information reading earlier papers (that appear in the citations of the primary papers. ) Students may investigate the validity of paper by running code developed on some benchmarks whenever relevant.
Students can communicate with authors to get slides for presentations and code.
The team will present the paper to the class (20-30 minutes depending on the team size) and write a project report to be handed in on Monday of the 11th week. The project report should include a description and evaluation of the paper and any creative independent work carried out by the team.
b) Your own project idea
Any other idea for a project will be considered but need to be approved. (e.g., implementing algorithms and applying to some domain).
Selected Papers
Below are selected papers from the conferences listed below that caught my eye. Feel free to consider the full lists of at least SoCS 2012/2011 and ICAPS 2012/2011.
Project proposals and teams should be handed in on Wednesday November 14th. Provide two proposals in order of your preference.
Width and Serialization of Classical Planning Problems (in ECAI 2012)
Nir Lipovetzky and Hector Geffner
Width and Complexity of Belief Tracking in Non-Deterministic Conformant and Contingent Planning (in AAAI 2012)
Blai Bonet and Hector Geffner
Action Selection for MDPs: Anytime AO* vs. UCT (in AAAI 2012)
Blai Bonet and Hector Geffner
Planning as Satisfiability: Heuristics (in AIJ 2012)
Jussi Rintanen
SoCS 2012
Are We There Yet? - Estimating Search Progress
Jordan T. Thayer, Roni Stern, and Levi H. S. Lelis
Real-Time Motion Planning with Dynamic Obstacles
Jarad Cannon, Kevin Rose, and Wheeler Ruml
Execution Ordering in AND/OR Graphs with Failure Probabilities
Priyankar Ghosh, P. P. Chakrabarti, and Pallab Dasgupta
Performance Analysis of Planning Portfolios
Sergio Núñez, Daniel Borrajo, and Carlos Linares López
Multimapping Abstractions and Hierarchical Heuristic Search
Bo Pang and Robert C. Holte
When does Weighted A* Fail?
Christopher Wilt and Wheeler Ruml
SoCS 2011
Cost-Based Heuristic Search Is Sensitive to the Ratio of Operator Costs
Christopher Makoto Wilt, Wheeler Ruml
Adapting a Rapidly-Exploring Random Tree for Automated Planning
Vidal Alcázar, Manuela Veloso, Daniel Borrajo
Best-First Search for Bounded-Depth Trees
Kevin Rose, Ethan Burns, Wheeler Ruml
All PSPACE-Complete Planning Problems Are Equal but Some Are More Equal than Others
Christer Backstrom, Peter Jonsson
Degrees of Separation in Social Networks
Reza Bakhshandeh, Mehdi Samadi, Zohreh Azimifar, Jonathan Schaeffer
Automatic Move Pruning in General Single-Player Games
Neil Burch, Robert C. Holte
Deadline-Aware Search Using On-Line Measures of Behavior
Austin J. Dionne, Jordan Tyler Thayer, Wheeler Ruml
- These two papers can be a single project for a team of 3.
Path Planning with Adaptive Dimensionality
Kalin Gochev, Benjamin Cohen, Jonathan Butzke, Alla Safonova, Maxim Likhachev
Search-Based Planning with Provable Suboptimality Bounds for Continuous State Spaces
Juan Pablo Gonzalez, Maxim Likhachev
A Novel Technique for Compressing Pattern Databases in the Pancake Sorting Problems
Morteza Keshtkaran, Roohollah Taghizadeh, Koorush Ziarati
A Preliminary Evaluation of Machine Learning in Algorithm Selection for Search Problems
Lars Kotthoff, Ian P. Gent, Ian Miguel
Faster Optimal and Suboptimal Hierarchical Search
Michael J. Leighton, Wheeler Ruml, Robert C. Holte
- These two papers are a single project.
Predicting Solution Cost with Conditional Probabilities
Levi Lelis, Roni Stern, Shahab Jabbari Arfaee
Improved Prediction of IDA*'s Performance via Epsilon-Truncation
Levi Lelis, Sandra Zilles, Robert Craig Holte
State-Set Search
Bo Pang, Robert C. Holte
Size-Independent Additive Pattern Databases for the Pancake Problem
Ãlvaro Torralba Arias de Reyna, Carlos Linares López
Scalable Distributed Monte-Carlo Tree Search
Kazuki Yoshizoe, Akihiro Kishimoto, Tomoyuki Kaneko, Haruhiro Yoshimoto, Yutaka Ishikawa
ICAPS 2012
Tractable Monotone Temporal Planning [PDF]
Martin C. Cooper, Frederic Maris, Pierre Regnier
Sampling-Based Coverage Path Planning for Inspection of Complex Structures [PDF]
Brendan J. Englot, Franz S. Hover
Pruning Methods for Optimal Delete-Free Planning [PDF]
Avitan Gefen, Ronen Brafman
Incremental Lower Bounds for Additive Cost Planning Problems [PDF]
Patrik Haslum
Optimal Search with Inadmissible Heuristics [PDF]
Erez Karpas, Carmel Domshlak
PROST: Probabilistic Planning Based on UCT [PDF]
Thomas Keller, Patrick Eyerich
Semi-Relaxed Plan Heuristics [PDF]
Emil Ragip Keyder, Joerg Hoffmann, Patrik Haslum
Reverse Iterative Deepening for Finite-Horizon MDPs with Large Branching Factors [PDF]
Andrey Kolobov, Peng Dai, Mausam Mausam, Daniel S. Weld
Predicting Optimal Solution Cost with Bidirectional Stratified Sampling [PDF]
Levi Lelis, Roni Stern, Ariel Felner, Sandra Zilles, Robert C. Holte
On Computing Conformant Plans Using Classical Planners: A Generate-And-Complete Approach [PDF]
Khoi Hoang Nguyen, Vien Dang Tran, Tran Cao Son, Enrico Pontelli
Incremental ARA*: An Incremental Anytime Search Algorithm for Moving-Target Search [PDF]
Xiaoxun Sun, William Yeoh, Tansel Uras, Sven Koenig
Faster Bounded-Cost Search Using Inadmissible Estimates [PDF]
Jordan Tyler Thayer, Roni Stern, Ariel Felner, Wheeler Ruml
Short-Sighted Stochastic Shortest Path Problems [PDF]
Felipe W. Trevizan, Manuela M. Veloso
Bandit-Based Planning and Learning in Continuous-Action Markov Decision Processes [PDF]
Ari Weinstein, Michael L. Littman
Planning Via Random Walk-Driven Local Search [PDF]
Fan Xie, Hootan Nakhost, Martin Müller
Links to Conferences
SoCS 2012
SoCS 2011
ICAPS 2012
ICAPS 2011
ICAPS 2008
ICAPS 2007
Publications of selected researchers: