- Classroom: ICS 180
- Days: Tuesday & Thursday
- Time: 2:00pm - 3:20pm
- Instructor: Rina Dechter - dechter@ics.uci.edu
Office: DBH 4232
Hours: TBA
- TA: William Lam - willmlam@ics.uci.edu
Office: DBH 4099
Hours: TBA
Students are required to do a project in Artificial Intelligence.
Final project: submit a report + code + demo + presentation.
Students will be required to work independently and be expected to acquire all the knowledge necessary for the project. They will have to fill in the necessary gaps in their background.
Midterm report: 30%
Demo-presentation: 35%
Final report: 35%
Assignments and progress reports
For any assignment that you submit you should always state at the top of the report:
the team number, the names of team members and the project title.
Be sure to address the following questions:
- How does the project build upon what is available in the literature and out there?
- Important: What is the architecture of your project (different modules and who is doing what on the team)?
- What AI algorithms will you be using?
- what tools will you use, or have started to use?
- Is there any data that you need to access?
- How would you evaluate your project? What is the criteria for success?
- What initial code have you started to develop?
Past Projects
Resources on the Internet
- Books
- Surveys on Constraint Processing
- Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach, Chapter 5: Constraint Satisfaction Problems
- Dechter, R., "Constraint Networks (Survey)". In Encyclopedia of Artificial Intelligence, 2nd edition, 1992, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., pp. 276-285.
- Dechter, R., Rossi, F., "Constraint Satisfaction". Survey ECS, March, 2000.
- ICS-270A: Lecture 5
- Survey Papers on Bayesian Networks
- Tutorials
- Tools
- Related project classes at other universities
Week |
Topic |
Date |
Information |
Assignment |
Week 1 |
- Overview of constraint networks
03-29 |
Slides |
Week 2 |
04-05 |
Slides |
Project Proposals |
Week 3 |
04-12 |
Week 4 |
- Overview of Bayesian networks
04-19 |
Slides |
Week 5 |
04-26 |
Draft progress report (due Tuesday) |
Week 6 |
- Midterm reports and presentations
05-03 |
Week 7 |
05-10 |
Week 8 |
05-17 |
Week 9 |
05-24 |
Week 10 |
05-31 |
Week 11 |
- (Finals): final report + code + demo-presentation
06-09 |