Package formulaVisited

Propositional and first-order logic with visitors, singletons, and other patterns used.


Interface Summary
Formula The type of all logic formulas that accept visitors.
Visitor A visitor to formulas.

Class Summary
Conjunction The conjunction ("and") of two subformulas.
Disjunction The disjunction ("and") of two subformulas.
Environment An environment in which to evaluate a formula.
Factory A factory for creating formulas from a reader.
LogicalConstant A logical constant, representing true or false.
LogicalVariable A logical variable, representing true or false (but we may not know which).
Named The superclass of all named objects in the package.
Negation The negation of a formula.
VisitorEvaluate A visitor that evaluates each formula, returning Boolean.TRUE if the formula is true, Boolean.FALSE if the formula is false, and null if its value cannot be determined.
VisitorToString A visitor that produces a string representation for each formula.

Package formulaVisited Description

Propositional and first-order logic with visitors, singletons, and other patterns used.