


Journal papers

  1. Silva Filho, R. S., McKenna, M., McDevitt, K. Blending Ad-hoc and Formal Workflow Models in Support of Different Stakeholders Needs . International Journal of Cooperative Information Systems. Vol. 24, Issue 04. World Scientific. December 2015 (DOI)

  2. Silva Filho, R. S., McKenna, M., Budnik, C. J., Hasling, W. M. Experiences Using Tedeso: an Extensible and Interoperable Model-based Testing Platform. Journal of Automated Software Engineering. Special issue on Innovative Tools for Automated Software Engineering. Springer, , Volume 20, Issue 3, pp 299-337 (DOI)

  3. Geyer, W., Silva Filho, R. S., Brownholtz, B., Redmiles, D. F. The Trade-Offs of Blending Synchronous and Asynchronous Communication Services to Support Contextual Collaboration. Journal of Universal Computer Science (JUCS) - Special issue on Groupware: Issues and Applications with a selection of papers presented at 12th International Workshop on Groupware.  Vol 14, No. 1, pp. 4-26, March 2008 (DOI)

  4. Redmiles, D. F., Van der Hoek, A., Al-Ani, B., Hildenbrand, T.,  Quirk, S.,  Sarma, A., Silva Filho, R. S., De Souza, C. R. B., Trainer, E.. Continuous Coordination: A New Paradigm to Support Globally Distributed Software Development Projects. In: Wirtschaftsinformatik - Special Issue on the Industrialization of Software Development, Vol. 49, Issue 3, pp. S28-S38, Vieweg publishers,  2007. (DOI)

  5. DePaula, R., Ding, X., Dourish, P., Nies, K., Pillet, B., Redmiles, D. F., Ren, J., Rode, J., and Silva Filho, R. S.  In the Eye of the Beholder: A Visualization-based Approach to Information System Security. International Journal of Human-Computer Studies (IJHCS) - Special Issue on HCI Research in Privacy and Security, Vol. 63, Issue 1-2, pp. 5-24. July 2005.  (DOI)

  6. Silva Filho, R. S., Wainer, J., Madeira, E. R. M.. A Fully Distributed Architecture for Large-scale Workflow Enactment.  International Journal of Cooperative Information Systems (IJCIS). Vol. 12, No. 4 (2003), pp. 411-440. December 2003.  (DOI)

  7. Silva Filho, R. S., Wainer, J., Madeira, E. R. M., Ellis, C. CORBA Based Architecture for Large Scale Workflow. IEEE/IEICE Transactions on Communications - Special Issue on Autonomous Decentralized Systems, Tokyo, Japan, Vol. E83-B, No. 5., pp.988-998., May 2000.  (DOI)

Book chapters

  1. A. Sarma, B. Al-Ani, E. Trainer, R. S. Silva Filho, I. da Silva, D. Redmiles, A. van der Hoek.  Continuous Coordination Tools and their Evaluation. Collaborative Software Engineering, ch. 8.  pp. 153-178. Springer, Heidelberg. January 2010. 

Magazine articles

  1. Naslavsky, L., Silva Filho, R. S., Fazendo Doutorado nos Estados Unidos. SBC Horizontes (Brazilian Computer Society Magazine on Computer Science Career). Vol. 1, No. 1, pp. 46-49. December 2008. (DOI) (in Portuguese)

Conference & workshop papers

  1. Silva Filho, R. S., Huang C. L., Tewari, A., Jobin, J., Modi, P. Using Wearable and Contextual Computing to Optimize Field Engineering Work Practices. in Proceedings of HCI International 2015. Los Angeles, CA, USA. 2-7 August 2015. (DOI)

  2. Silva Filho, R. S., Tewari, A. Distributed Architecture for Mobile Contextual Integrated Field Work Applications. In Proceedings of the IEEE 4th International Conference on Mobile Services, New York, USA. June 27 - July 2, 2015. (DOI)

  3.  Zheng, X. S., Silva Filho, R. S., Costa, J. M. R., Song, X. User Workflow Centered Design: Creating Effective Software User Interface for Complex Interactive Systems. in Proceedings of 57th Annual Meeting of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society. San Diego, CA. September 30th -October 4th, 2013 (DOI)

  4. Costa, J. M. R., Zheng, X. S., Silva Filho, R. S., Song, X.. Fast, Formal, & Beautiful: Effectively Capture, Document, and Communicate User Workflow Information for Designing Complex Healthcare Software Systems. in Proceedings of 56th Annual Meeting of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society. Boston, MA. October 22-26, 2012

  5. Silva Filho, R. S., Budnik, C. J. An Integrated Model-Driven Approach for Mechatronic Systems Testing. In Proceedings of the Fifth IEEE International Conference on Software Testing, Verification and Validation (ICST'12). pp. 447-456. Montreal, Canada, April 17-21, 2012. (DOI)

  6. Crelier, O., Silva Filho, R. S., Hasling, W. M., Budnik, C. J. Design Principles for Integration of Model-Driven Quality Assurance Tools. in Proceedings of the Brazilian Symposium on Components, Architectures and Reuse of Software (SBCARS'11). pp. 100-109. Sao Paulo, Brazil, September 26-30, 2011. (DOI)

  7. Silva Filho, R. S., Bronsard, F., Hasling, W. M., Experiences Documenting and Preserving Software Constraints using Aspects. in Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Aspect-Oriented Software Development (AOSD'11). pp. 7-18. Porto de Galinhas, Pernambuco, Brazil, March 21-25, 2011.  (DOI)

  8. Silva Filho, R. S., Budnik, C. J., Hasling, W. M., McKenna, M., Subramanyan, R. Supporting Concern-Based Regression Testing and Prioritization in a Model-Driven Environment. in Proceedings of the IEEE/COMPSACW. 2nd International Workshop on Software Test Automation (STA 2010). pp. 323-328 Seoul, Korea, July 19, 2010.  (DOI)

  9. Ruegmee, W., Silva Filho, R. S.,Bajracharya, S. K., Lopes, C. V., Redmiles, D. F. XE (eXtreme Editor) – Bridging the Aspect-Oriented Programming Usability Gap. in Proceedings of the 23rd IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering (ASE'08).  pp. 435-438. L'Aquila, Italy, September 15-19, 2008. (DOI)

  10. Silva Filho, R. S. and Redmiles, D. F.. Managing Feature Interaction by Documenting and Enforcing Dependencies in Software Product Lines. in Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Feature Interactions in Software and Communication Systems (ICFI'07). pp.33-48, Grenoble, France, September 3-5, 2007 (DOI). 

  11. Silva Filho, R. S., Geyer, W., Brownholtz, B., Redmiles, D. F. Understanding the Trade-offs of Blending Collaboration Services in Support of Contextual Collaboration. in Proceedings of the 12th International Workshop on Groupware (CRIWG'2006). Medina del Campo, Spain. published at Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 4154, pp. 270-285, 2006.  (DOI)

  12. Silva Filho, R. S. and Redmiles, D. F.  Towards the use of Dependencies to Manage Variability in Software Product Lines. in Proceedings of the Workshop on Managing Variability for Software Product Lines: Working with Variability Mechanisms. co-located with the 10th International Software Product Line Conference (SPLC'2006). pp. 10-15, Baltimore, MD, August, 21-24th, 2006.  (Online Proceedings)

  13. Silva Filho, R. S., Redmiles, D. F. Extending Desktop Applications with Pocket-size Devices. Presented at the Symposium on Usable Privacy and Security (SOUPS'06). Pittsburgh, PA, July 12-14, 2006. (Online Proceedings)

  14. Rode, J., Johansson, C., DiGioia, P., Silva Filho, R. S., Nies, K., Nguyen, D. H., Ren, J., Dourish, P., Redmiles, D. F. Seeing Further: Extending Visualization as a Basis for Usable Security. In Proceedings of the Symposium On Usable Privacy and Security (SOUPS'06). pp. 145-155. Pittsburgh, PA. July 12-14, 2006. (DOI)

  15. Silva Filho, R. S. and Redmiles, D. F. Striving for Versatility in Publish/Subscribe Infrastructures. in Proceedings of the Fifth International Workshop on Software Engineering and Middleware (SEM'05), co-located with the ACM ESEC/FSE Conference. pp. 17-24. Lisbon, Portugal. September, 5th-6th, 2005. (DOI)

  16. DePaula, R., Ding, X., Dourish, P., Nies, K., Pillet, B., Redmiles, D. F., Ren, J., Rode, J., and Silva Filho, R. S. Two Experiences Designing for Effective Security. In proceedings of the Symposium On Usable Privacy and Security (SOUPS'05). pp. 25-34. Pittsburgh, PA. July 6-8, 2005. (PDF) (DOI)

  17. Van der Hoek, A. , Redmiles, D. F., Dourish, P., Sarma, A., Silva Filho, R. S. , De Souza, C. R. B. Continuous Coordination: A New paradigm for Collaborative Software Engineering Tools. In Proceedings of the Workshop on Directions in Software Engineering Environments (WoDiSEE'04), co-located with ICSE'04. pp. 29-36. Edinburgh, UK, May 25th, 2004. (DOI).

  18. Naslavsky, L., Silva Filho, R. S., De Souza, C. R. B., Dias, M., Richardson, D., Redmiles, D. F.. Distributed Expectation-Driven Residual Testing. Presented in the Second International Workshop on Remote Analysis and Measurement of Software Systems (RAMSS'04), co-located with ICSE'04. Edinburgh, UK, May 24th, 2004. (DOI)

  19. Silva Filho, R. S., De Souza, C. R. B., Redmiles, D. F.. The Design of a Configurable, Extensible and Dynamic Notification Service. In proceedings of the Second International Workshop on Distributed Event-Based Systems (DEBS'03), co-located with The ACM SIGMOD/PODS Conference, San Diego, CA, pp.1-8, June 8th, 2003. (DOI)

  20. Silva Filho, R. S., Slabyak, M., Redmiles, D. F.. Web-Based Infrastructure for Awareness Based on Events. Presented in the Workshop on Network Services for Groupware. co-located with the ACM CSCW'02. New Orleans, LA, November 16-20, 2002. 

  21. Silva Filho, R. S., Wainer, J., Madeira, E. R. M.. A Distributed Architecture for Large-scale Workflow. in Proceedings of the XXVII Latino American Informatics Conference. September 24-26th, 2001. Merida, Venezuela. Best master's thesis award (second place) in the VIII Master's Thesis Contest CLEI - UNESCO 2001.

  22. Silva Filho, R. S., Wainer, J., Madeira, E. R. M., Ellis, C.. CORBA Based Architecture for Large Scale Workflow. 4th International Symposium on Autonomous Decentralized Systems (ISADS '99), March 20-23, 1999. Tokyo, Japan. pp. 276-283. ISBN 0-7695-0137-0. IEEE Computer Society Eds. (DOI)

  23. Silva Filho, R. S., Wainer, J., Madeira, E. R. M. , Ellis, C.. Wonder: WONDER: Uma Arquitetura Baseada em CORBA para Workflow de Larga Escala. Proceedings of the 17th Brazilian Symposium on Computer Networks (SBRC'99). Salvador, BA, Brazil - May 25-28, 1999. pp. 379-380. (in Portuguese)

  24. Queiroz, J. A. G., Silva Filho, R. S.,  Madeira, E. R. M.. Facilidade de Dominios em um Ambiente de Gerencia CORBA. In Proceedings of the16th Brazilian Symposium on Computer Networks (SBRC'98). Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil - May, 1998, pp. 765. (in Portuguese) (DOI)

Filed patents

  1. Jobin, J., Silva Filho, R. S., Yu, B. Context-Aware Wearable Safety System. 4097.043US1. Filed on April 2015.

  2. Silva Filho, R. S., Tewari, A. Method, System and Apparatus for Agent-Based Architecture for Integrated Mobile Applications. 4097.025US1. Filed on July 2014.

  3. Silva Filho, Roberto S.; Budnik Christof J.; Masticola, Stephen. Automatic Testing of Mechatronic Systems. 2011P28202 -US01.  Filed on January 2013.

  4. McKenna, Monica; Silva Filho, Roberto; McDevitt, Kevin. Approach and Tool Blending Ad-Hoc and Formal Workflow Models in Support of Different Stakeholder Needs. 2011E12158-US filed on April 2012.

Media reports

  1. Implementing Mechatronic Testing Technologies. Desktop Engineering Magazine, August 1, 2012

Technical reports

  1. Crelier, O., Silva Filho, R. S., Hasling, W. M., Budnik, C. J., Subramanyan R. Design Principles for Integration of Model-Driven Quality Assurance Tools. SCR-10-TR-877, Siemens Corporate Research, Princeton, NJ, September 2010.

  2. Silva Filho, R. S., and Redmiles, D. F.. An Analysis of Publish/Subscribe Middleware Versatility. Technical Report UCI-ISR-09-3. University of California, Irvine. Irvine, CA, August 2009. 

  3. Ruengmee, W., Silva Filho, R. S., Bajracharya, S. K., Lopes, C. V., Redmiles, D. F.. XE (Extreme Editor) - Tool Support for Evolution in Aspect-Oriented Programming. Technical Report UCI-ISR-08-1. University of California, Irvine. Irvine, CA, June 2008. 

  4. Silva Filho, R. S., Geyer, W., Brownholtz, B., Guy, I., Redmiles, D. F., Millen, D. R.. Architectural Trade-Offs for Collaboration Services Supporting Contextual Collaboration. IBM T. J. Watson Technical Report RC23756. Cambridge, MA, October 2005. 

  5. Silva Filho, R. S., Redmiles, D. F.  A Survey on Versatility for Publish/Subscribe Infrastructures. Technical Report UCI-ISR-05-8. University of California, Irvine, May 2005. 

  6. Silva Filho, R. S., Redmiles, D. F. Preserving Versatility in Event-based Middleware. Technical Report UCI-ISR-04-7. University of California, Irvine, October 2004.

  7. Silva Filho, R. S., De Souza, C. R. B., Redmiles, D. F. Design and Experiments with YANCEES, a Versatile Publish-Subscribe Service. TR-UCI-ISR-04-1. University of California, Irvine, April 2004. 

  8. Silva Filho, R. S., Queiroz, J. A. G., Madeira, E. R. M.. Distributed Object Domains for a CORBA Based platform. Technical Report - Institute of Computing, Campinas, SP, Brazil 1997. 

Thesis & dissertations

  1. Silva Filho, R. S.  An Empirical Study of Publish/Subscribe Middleware Versatility. PhD. Dissertation. August 2009.

    Abstract: Versatility is an important quality that enables software to serve multiple purposes in a usable and useful way. As such, versatility is central to middleware in general and pub-lish/subscribe infrastructures specifically. The development of versatile software, however, is difficult. It must achieve a favorable balance between different software qualities (or non-functional requirements) including: usability, reusability, flexibility, maintainability and performance, while supporting problem domain dependencies and constraints. Developers adopt different strategies in the design of versatile software including: modularization, stabilization, variation, generalization and specialization. By combining these strategies, different versatility approaches have been applied in the construction of infrastructures, for example: minimal core, one-size-fits-all, coordination languages and flexible infrastructures. Each one of have costs and benefits.
    In this work, we motivate the need for versatility in the publish/subscribe domain, discuss its challenges, propose our own solution to the problem: YANCEES, a flexible publish/subscribe infrastructure, and present the results of a multi-dimensional quantitative and qualitative empirical study where we compare YANCEES with existing versatility approaches in the publish/subscribe domain. We summarize the results in the form of guiding principles, which goal is to better support application developers in choosing the best design approaches in the development of middleware; and infrastructure consumers in selecting the most appropriate infrastructure to support their applications. 

  1. Silva Filho, R. S. A CORBA Based Architecture for Large Scale Workflow. Uma Arquitetura Baseada em CORBA para Workflow de Larga Escala - M.S. Dissertation.defended in June, 2000. Published on August 2000 (This dissertation is in Portuguese). (DOI)

    Abstract: Standard client-server Workflow management systems have an intrinsic scalability limitation, the centralized server, which represents a bottleneck for large-scale applications. This server also is a single point of failure that may disable the whole system. In this work, it is proposed a fully distributed architecture for Workflow management systems. It is based on the idea that the case (an instance of the process) migrates from host to host, following a process definition, while the case corresponding activities are executed. This basic architecture is improved so that other requirements for Workflow Management Systems, such as fault tolerance, monitoring, interoperability, security and others, are also addressed. A CORBA-based implementation of such architecture is discussed, with its limitations, advantages and project decisions described. The mobile agent migration, creation and configuration costs were computed. Scalability tests, ranging from full centralization to complete distribution, were  performed. In these tests, the distributed configuration performed better than the centralized configuration for instances with more than 5 concurrent cases.

    My M.S. Project Home Page: WONDER Project

Unpublished & work in progress papers

These paperswere written as final reports for some of the graduate level classes I took at UCI. They are basically surveys, projects or reports describing experimental results, and were not submitted for publication. They, however, can provide good insights of research in their area.

  1. De Souza, C., Silva Filho, R. S., and Dourish, P. A Multi-Dimensional Scheduler Supporting Critics. ICS280 - Non-Traditional User Interfaces (Winter 2002)

  2. R. S. Silva Filho. The Mobile Agents Paradigm . ICS221 - Software Engineering. Final Paper (Winter 2001).

  3. C. R. B. De Souza and R. S. Silva Filho. Checking Java Concurrency Design Patterns Using Bandera . ICS222 - Formal Methods in Software Engineering. Final Paper (Winter 2001)

  4. R. S. Silva Filho. Integrating EDEM and Knowledge-Based Active Help Systems . ICS280C - Internet Usability (Winter 2001).

  5. R. S. Silva Filho. Mobile Agents and Software Deployment. ICS280 - Configuration Management and Runtime Change (Fall 2000).

  6. R. S. Silva Filho. Awareness and Privacy in Mobile Wearable Computers. ICS234A - Virtual Collocation (Fall 2000).

Indexed publications

  1. My publications at DBLP Bibliography Index

  2. My publications at Microsoft Academic Research

  3. My publications at citeseer.com

  4. My publications at ACM Author Profile Page

  5. My publications at Google Scholar

  6. My publications at Microsoft Libra

  7. The Collection of Computer Science Bibliographies

  8. My publications at InteractionDesign.org

  9. Curriculum Lattes (CNPq Brazilian research agency) 

  10. OdySci