Many theorems in mathematics are important enough that they have been
proved repeatedly in surprisingly many different ways. Examples of this
include the
existence of infinitely many prime numbers, the evaluation of
This page lists proofs of the Euler formula: for any convex
polyhedron, the number of vertices and faces together is exactly two
more than the number of edges. Symbolically
Long before Euler, in 1537, Francesco
Maurolico stated the same formula for the five Platonic solids
(see Friedman). Another version of the
formula dates over 100 years earlier than Euler, to Descartes in 1630.
Descartes gives a discrete form of the Gauss-Bonnet theorem, stating
that the sum of the face angles of a polyhedron is
The polyhedron formula, of course, can be generalized in many important ways, some using methods described below. One important generalization is to planar graphs. To form a planar graph from a polyhedron, place a light source near one face of the polyhedron, and a plane on the other side.
The shadows of the polyhedron edges form a planar graph, embedded in such a way that the edges are straight line segments. The faces of the polyhedron correspond to convex polygons that are faces of the embedding. The face nearest the light source corresponds to the outside face of the embedding, which is also convex. Conversely, any planar graph with certain connectivity properties comes from a polyhedron in this way.
Some of the proofs below use only the topology of the planar graph, some use the geometry of its embedding, and some use the three-dimensional geometry of the original polyhedron. Graphs in these proofs will not necessarily be simple: edges may connect a vertex to itself, and two vertices may be connected by multiple edges. Several of the proofs rely on the Jordan curve theorem, which itself has multiple proofs; however these are not generally based on Euler's formula so one can use Jordan curves without fear of circular reasoning.
Please send email
if you know of a proof not listed here.
I would especially appreciate proofs involving cohomology theory,
toric varieties, or other higher mathematics.
(Helena Verrill has shown that
formula is equivalent to the fact that every toric variety over
I imagine it would be possible to construct inductions based on the representation of convex polyhedra as intersections of halfspaces or convex hulls of points, but the need to handle inputs in non-general position would make the resulting proofs quite messy.
There also seems to be a potential connection
to binomials: if one defines a polynomial
From the Geometry Junkyard,
and recreational geometry pointers.
David Eppstein,
Theory Group,
UC Irvine.