Computer Science 221: Information Retrieval

Winter 2009-2010

Department of Informatics

Donald Bren School of Information and Computer Sciences

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From the catalog:

"Algorithms for the storage, retrieval, filtering, and classification of textual and multimedia data. The vector space model, Boolean and probabilistic queries, and relevance feedback. Latent semantic indexing; collaborative filtering; and relationship to machine learning methods."


Information Retrieval is a *the* hot industry on the web today thanks to Google, Yahoo!, Bing and all of the other competitors out there both current and past. The amount of effort required to translate your 2 or 3 keywords into 5-10 relevant documents is enormous. During this class we will attempt to explore some of the complexities behind search.


Lecture: T/TR 3:30-4:50

Classroom: ICS 209


Discussion Section: N/A

Classroom: N/A


Instructor: Professor Don Patterson


Office Hours: F 2:00pm - 3:00pm DBH 5084

We'll try and use the EEE online chat-room this quarter.

Teaching Assistant:None

Email: N/A

Office Hours/Discussion Section: N/A


Reader: None

Email: N/A

Office Hours: N/A

University of California Budget Crisis

The reductions in spending at the Unviersity of California mean that we do not have TA support for this class.