The course will be based mostly on the following sources:
Two additional books:
The following is a (partial) list of secondary reading material:
- Books:
- K.B. Korb and A. E. Nicholson, Bayesian Artificial
Intelligence. Chapman and
Hall/CRC, 2004
- Finn V. Jensen. An
introduction to Bayesian networks. UCL Press, 1996.
- Russell and Norvig, Artificial intelligence, a modern
approach (chapters, 13,14,15)
- J. Pearl, Causality,
Models, Reasoning and Inference, Cambridge University Press, 2000
- Castillo, E.;
Gutierrez, J.M.; Hadi, A.S., Expert Systems
and Probabilistic Network Models, Springer-Verlag
- Robert G. Cowell, A. Philip Dawid,
Steffen L. Lauritzen, David J. Spiegelhalter Probabilistic Networks and Expert
Systems Springer-Verlag, 1999.
- Articles:
- Daphne Koller, Nir Friedman, Lise Getoor and Ben Taskar,
Graphical Models in a Nutshell.
- Heckerman and Breese, Causal
Independence for Probability Assessment and Inference Using Bayesian
- Boutilier,
Friedman, Goldszmidt and Koller,
Independence in Bayesian Networks.
- Dechter,
Bucket Elimination: A
Unifying Framework for Probabilistic Inference. 1998.
- Dechter,
tutorial on reasoning."
- Heckerman,
A Tutorial on Learning with Bayesian
- Kjaerulff,
dHugin: A Computational System for Dynamic
Time-Sliced Bayesian Networks.
- Pearl, Causation,
Action and Counterfactuals.
- Dechter,Mini-buckets:
a general scheme for approximating inference.
Extended report.
- Darwiche,
Conditioning: Any-space conditioning algorithm with treewidth-bounded
- Darwiche,Any-space
probabilistic inference.
- Darwiche,On the role of
partial differentiation in probabilistic inference.
- Horvitz, Breese,
Heckerman, Hovel & Rommelse. The Lumiere Project: Bayesian User Modeling for
Inferring the Goals and Needs of Software Users.
- Binder, Murphy,
Russell. Space-efficient
inference in dynamic probabilistic networks.
- Russell, Binder, Koller, Kanazawa.
learning in probabilistic networks with hidden variables.
- Dugad
& Desai. A
Tutorial on Hidden Markov Models.
- Friedman, Geiger, Goldszmidt. Bayesian
Network Classifiers.
- Dechter,
R., El Fattah, Y.,
Topological Parameters For Time-Space Tradeoff
- Gagliardi,
F., Generalizing
Variable Elimination In Bayesian Networks
- Rish, I. and Dechter, R., AAAI
2000 Tutorial
- Other related links: