Lecture W1-1: overview of the course, recap of basic OS principles
Lecture W1-2: recap of basic OS principles
Week 2: virtual machines I
Lecture W2-1: lecture
Lecture W2-2: lecture
Week 3: virtual machines II
Lecture W3-1: lecture
Lecture W3-2: lecture, student presentation
Paper: Muli Ben-Yehuda, Michael D. Day, Zvi Dubitzky, Michael Factor, Nadav Har'El, Abel Gordon, Anthony Liguori, Orit Wasserman, and Ben-Ami Yassour. "The Turtles Project: Design and Implementation of Nested Virtualization." In Proc. USENIX OSDI, 2010. (link).
Week 4: scalability & concurrency I
Lecture W4-1: lecture
Lecture W4-2: lecture, student presentation
Paper: Jeremy Andrus, Christoffer Dall, Alex Van't Hof, Oren Laadan, Jason Nieh. "Cells: A Virtual Mobile Smartphone Architecture." In Proc. ACM SOSP, 2011. (link)
Week 5: scalability & concurrency II
Lecture W5-1: lecture
Lecture W5-2: lecture, student presentation
Paper: Austin T. Clements, M. Frans Kaashoek, Nickolai Zeldovich, Robert T. Morris, and Eddie Kohler. "The Scalable Commutativity Rule: Designing Scalable Software for Multicore Processors." In Proc. ACM SOSP, 2013. (link).
Week 6: secure execution I
Lecture W6-1: lecture
Lecture W6-2: lecture, student presentation
Paper: Jon Howell, Bryan Parno, and John R. Douceur. "Embassies: Radically Refactoring the Web." In Proc. USENIX NSDI, 2013. (link)
Week 7: secure execution II
Lecture W7-1: lecture
Lecture W7-2: lecture, student presentation
Paper: Tyler Hunt, Zhiting Zhu, Yuanzhong Xu, Simon Peter, and Emmett Witchel. "Ryoan: A Distributed Sandbox for Untrusted Computation on Secret Data." In Proc. USENIX OSDI, 2016. (link)
Week 8: OS structures I
Lecture W8-1: lecture
Lecture W8-2: lecture, student presentation
Paper: Andrew Baumann, Marcus Peinado, and Galen Hunt. "Shielding Applications from an Untrusted Cloud with Haven." In Proc. USENIX OSDI, 2014. (link)
Week 9: OS structures II
Lecture W9-1: lecture
Lecture W9-2: lecture, student presentation
Paper: Paper: Gerwin Klein, Kevin Elphinstone, Gernot Heiser, June Andronick, David Cock, Philip Derrin, Dhammika Elkaduwe, Kai Engelhardt, Rafal Kolanski, Michael Norrish, Thomas Sewell, Harvey Tuch, and Simon Winwood. "seL4: Formal Verification of an OS Kernel." In Proc. ACM SOSP, 2009. (link)
Week 10: OS structures III
Lecture W10-1: lecture
Lecture W10-2: lecture, student presentation
Paper: Filipe Manco, Costin Lupu, Florian Schmidt, Jose Mendes, Simon Kuenzer, Sumit Sati, Kenichi Yasukata, Costin Raiciu, Felipe Huici. "My VM is Lighter (and Safer) than your Container" In Proc. ACM SOSP, 2017. (link)