Workshop - 5th May 2012, Austin, Texas

There has been a growing interest in the HCI community to study healthcare practices and to design technologies to support and enhance these practices. Most of these studies have focused on either clinical settings, such as hospitals and clinics, or non-clinical spaces, like patients' homes and senior centers. Yet, there has been little work investigating how technologies used in patient care can bridge clinical and non-clinical settings. Building on the illness trajectory concept, this workshop will provide an opportunity for participants to share their experiences, and to explore the interplay between clinical and non-clinical settings and their impact on overall patient care.

We invite researchers, designers, and healthcare practitioners interested in healthcare practices and HCI to submit a position paper (4-page maximum) in the ACM Extended Abstract format to: and by January 10, 2012. Your position paper should detail your ongoing work or recent results in this area and your perspectives on the opportunities and challenges for bridging the two settings.

Submissions will be peer-reviewed and 15-20 papers will be selected for relevance and likelihood of stimulating the workshop discussion. Results of submission will be notified by February 10, 2012. At least one author of each accepted position paper must register for the workshop and for at least one day of the conference. A poster summarizing the results of the workshop will be produced for display at the CHI conference and the expected outcome of the workshop will be a collection of articles for a special issue of a journal.

Program schedule

9:00-9:15: Introduction

9:15-9:55: Ice Breaker

**Morning session: Presentations

The purpose of these talks is to present the highlights of the workshop paper to the rest of the participants in 6 minutes. There will be 2 minutes for questions and answers while the next speakers get ready for the talk.

9:55-10:40: Presentation 1 (presentation orders below)

paper 1: Bertelsen and Kramp

paper 2: Bhagwan et al.

paper 3: Buyuktur and Ackerman

paper 4: Clay et al.

paper 5: Danis et al.

10:40-11:00: Coffee break

11:00-12:30: Presentation 2 (presentation orders below)

paper 6: Faiola et al.

paper 7: Gregory

paper 8: Kamal et al.

paper 9: Lee et al.

paper 10: O'Kane and Mentis

paper 11: Ozkaynak

paper 12: Patel et al.

paper 13: Perer

paper 14: Verdezoto et al.

paper 15: Yuan and Xie

paper 16: Zhou et al.

12:30-2:00: Group lunch

**Afternoon session: Discussions

The afternoon sessions consist two sessions of roundtable discussions. We will split into 4 small groups to discuss case studies. The workshop organizers will act as moderators in the small groups and facilitate the discussions.

2:00-3:00: Small group activities 1

3:00-3:30: : Whole group discussion

3:30-4:00: Coffee break

4:00-4:45: Small group activities 2

4:45-5:30: Whole group discussion

6:30: Workshop Dinner