
| **Doppelganger Test Generation for Revealing Bugs in Autonomous Driving Software**
| Yuqi Huai, Yuntianyi Chen, Sumaya Almanee, Tuan Ngo, Xiang Liao, Ziwen Wan, Qi Alfred Chen and Joshua Garcia
| *ACM/IEEE 45th International Conference on Software Engineering, 2023*

.. code-block:: none

    address = {Melbourne, Australia},
    title = {Doppelganger {Test} {Generation} for {Revealing} {Bugs} in {Autonomous} {Driving} {Software}},
    author = {Huai, Yuqi and Chen, Yuntianyi and Almanee, Sumaya and Ngo, Tuan and Liao, Xiang and Wan, Ziwen and Chen, Qi Alfred and Garcia, Joshua},
        booktitle = {{ACM}/{IEEE} 45th {International} {Conference} on {Software} {Engineering}},
    year = {2023},