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ICS Theory Group

CompSci 269S, Spring 2017: Theory Seminar

The Theory Group normally meets Fridays at 1:00pm; this quarter we are in DBH 1423.

Below is this quarter's schedule.

Apr. 7:
Yusu Wang
Metric Denoising: A Geometric Perspective
Apr. 14:
Will Devanny
A Partial Proof for Sorting Dynamic Data with O(n) inversions
Apr. 21:
Elham Havvaei
On the Fixed Parameter Tractability of Leaf Power Graphs
Apr. 28:
Pedro Matias
Greedy Hypervolume Subset Selection in the Three-Objective Case
May 5:
Gill Barequet
Improved Bounds on the Growth Constant of Polyiamonds
May 12:
Sid Gupta
A Subexponential-Time Algorithm for Testing C-Planarity of Embedded Flat C-Graphs with Bounded Face Size
Jordan Jorgensen
A ($1+\epsilon$)-approximation algorithm for planar point pattern matching with orientation
May 19:
Timothy Johnson
Square Contact Representations of Simply Nested k-Outerplanar Graphs
Nil Mamano
Stable graph matching and the post office problem in road networks
May 26:
Juan Jose Besa Vial
Strongly Monotone Drawings of Planar Graphs
Jun. 2:
Seminar Cancelled
Jun. 9:
Grady Yu
2-3 Cuckoo Filters for Faster Triangle Listing and Set Intersection
Pasha Khosravi
Mario Kart is Hard

Previous quarters' theory seminars