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ICS Theory Group

CompSci 269S, Fall 2021: Theory Seminar

The Theory Group normally meets Fridays at 1:00pm; this quarter we are meeting in DBH 1427, possibly also streaming through Zoom

Below is this quarter's schedule.

September 24
Organizational meeting
October 1
Ofek Gila
Beyond Big O: Teaching Experimental Algorithmics
October 8
Ryuto Kitagawa
Low-Span Parallel Algorithms for the Binary-Forking Model
October 15
Thorben Tröbst
Recent Advances in Online Matching: Edge-Weighted
Shashank Uppoor
Algorithmic Fairness
October 22
Will Overman
Global Convergence of Multi-Agent Policy Gradient in Markov Potential Games
October 29
Shion Fukuzawa
On the 2-Center Problem Under Convex Polyhedral Distance Function
November 5
Matt Ferland
Winning the War by (Strategically) Losing Battles: Settling the Complexity of Grundy-Values in Undirected Geography
November 12
Evrim Ozel
Fast and Stable Repartitioning of Road Networks
Anson Nguyen
Recoloring subgraphs of K2n for sports scheduling
November 19
Daniel Frishberg
Glauber dynamics and rapid mixing: a survey of problems and techniques
Hadi Khodabandeh
Online Euclidean Spanners
December 3
Martha Osegueda
Geometric Polyhedral Pointset Pattern Matching
Ramtin Afshar
Spin-the-Bottle Sort and Annealing Sort: Oblivious Sorting via Round-Robin Random Comparisons

Previous quarters' theory seminars