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CompSci 269S, Fall 2021: Theory Seminar
The Theory Group normally meets Fridays at 1:00pm; this quarter we are
meeting in DBH 1427, possibly also streaming through Zoom
Below is this quarter's schedule.
- September 24
- Organizational meeting
- October 1
- Ofek Gila
- Beyond Big O: Teaching Experimental Algorithmics
- October 8
- Ryuto Kitagawa
- Low-Span Parallel Algorithms for the Binary-Forking
- October 15
- Thorben Tröbst
- Recent Advances in Online Matching: Edge-Weighted
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- Shashank Uppoor
- Algorithmic Fairness
- October 22
- Will Overman
- Global Convergence of Multi-Agent Policy Gradient
in Markov Potential Games
- October 29
- Shion Fukuzawa
- On the 2-Center Problem Under Convex Polyhedral
Distance Function
- November 5
- Matt Ferland
- Winning the War by (Strategically) Losing Battles:
Settling the Complexity of Grundy-Values in Undirected Geography
- November 12
- Evrim Ozel
- Fast and Stable Repartitioning of Road Networks
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- Anson Nguyen
- Recoloring subgraphs of K2n
for sports scheduling
- November 19
- Daniel Frishberg
- Glauber dynamics and rapid mixing: a survey of
problems and techniques
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- Hadi Khodabandeh
- Online Euclidean Spanners
- December 3
- Martha Osegueda
- Geometric Polyhedral Pointset Pattern Matching
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- Ramtin Afshar
- Spin-the-Bottle Sort and Annealing Sort: Oblivious
Sorting via Round-Robin Random Comparisons
quarters' theory seminars