Sang-Woo Jun

Assistant Professor at University of California, Irvine

Some News

2024-07-17: Collaboration project with Samsung has started for elastic in-memory compute units
2023-01-01: We are part of the $50.5M center for near-storage and near-memory computing research with the Semiconductor Research Corporation!
2021-10-26: UCI ICS wrote an article about our best paper in FPL, which involves a high school research assistant! [link]
2021-03-27: Collaboration project with Samsung has started for cost-effective neural network acceleration on Smart SSDs
2020-12-22: Collaboration project with vmware is continuing into its third year!
2019-07-31: Collaboration project with vmware has started for flash storage management with near-storage acceleration
2019-06-05: NSF proposal for elastically allocated FPGAs in the cloud has been funded
2018-06-06: "Thanks for the memories", The Next Platform's article on my research
Assistant professor at the
Computer Science Department
Donald Bren School of Information and Computer Sciences
University of California, Irvine
Contact: swjun _AT_

Before joining UC Irvine in 2018, I earned my Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (2018), working with Professor Arvind. I have earned my B.S. in Electrical and Computer Engineering at Seoul National University (2010).

Research Interests

My research is in innovative system architectures for low-cost high-performance computing.
My two prominent tools right now are Non-Volatile Memory (NVM) and reconfigurable hardware accelerators.

Software Distributions


External Resources


My Google Scholar Profile

Recent Publications

[link to list]