Dynamic Software
Architecture References
This is by no means a complete bibliography on dynamic
architectures and systems. If you'd like to add something, please
send me e-mail. See the
list of conferences for additional
- [AM91]
- J. M. Adan, M. F. Magalhaes. Developing Reconfigurable
Distributed Hard Real-Time Control Systems in STER. Algorithms
and Architectures for Real-Time Control, Proceedings of
IFAC Workshop, pp 147-152, Oxford Pergamon Press,
September 1991.
- [AHP94]
- B. Agnew, C. R. Hofmeister, J. Purtilo. Planning for
change: A reconfiguration language for distributed
systems. Distributed Systems Engineering, Sept.
1994, vol.1, (no.5):313-22.
- [ADG98]
- R. J. Allen, R. Douence, D. Garlan. Specifying and
Analyzing Dynamic Software Architectures, To appear in Proceedings
of the 1998 Conference on Fundamental Approaches to
Software Engineering (FASE '98), March 1998.
Available online.
- [AG97]
- R. Allen, D. Garlan. A formal basis for architectural
connection. ACM Transactions on Software Engineering
and Methodology, July 1997.
- [Bal96]
- R. Balzer. Enforcing architectural constraints. Second
International Software Architecture Workshop (ISAW-2),
San Francisco, October 1996.
- [BD93]
- T. Bloom, M. Day. Reconfiguration and module replacement
in Argus: Theory and practice. IEE Software
Engineering Journal, vol 8, no 2, March 1993.
- [Broc94]
- K. Brockschmidt. Inside OLE 2. Microsoft Press, 1994.
- [Fra97]
- M. Franz. Dynamic linking of software components. IEEE
Computer, vol 30, no 3, pp 74-81, March 1997.
- [FS91]
- O. Frieder, M. Segal. On dynamically updating a computer
program: From concept to prototype. Journal of
Systems and Software, vol 14, pp 111-128. 1991.
- [GR91]
- M. M. Gorlick, R. R. Razouk. Using weaves for software
construction and analysis. Proceedings of the 13th
International Conference on Software Engineering.
IEEE Computer Society Press, May 1991.
- [GQ94]
- M. M. Gorlick, A. Quilici. Visual
programming-in-the-large versus programming-in-the-small.
Proceedings of the IEEE Symposium on Visual Languages.
IEEE Computer Society Press, October 1994.
- [GJB96]
- D. Gupta, P. Jalote, G. Barua. A formal framework for
on-line software version change. IEEE Transactions on
Software Engineering, vol 22, no 2, February 1996.
- [Hof93]
- C. R. Hofmeister. Dynamic Reconfiguration of Distributed
Applications. Ph.D. Thesis. University of Maryland,
Computer Science Department, 1993.
- [KM85]
- J. Kramer, J. Magee. Dynamic Configuration for
Distributed Systems. IEEE Transactions on Software
Engineering, vol 11, no 4, pp 424-436, April 1985.
- [KMN89]
- J. Kramer, J. Magee, K. Ng. Graphical Configuration
Programming. IEEE Computer, vol 22, no 10, pp
53-65, October 1989.
- [KM90]
- J. Kramer, J. Magee. The evolving philosophers problem:
Dynamic change management. IEEE Transactions on
Software Engineering, vol 16, no 11, November 1990.
- [KM97]
- J. Kramer, J. Magee. Analysing Dynamic Change in Software
Architectures: A case study. To appear in the Proceedings
of the International Conference on Configurable
Distributed Systems, Annapolis, Maryland, May 4-6,
- [LV95]
- D. Luckham, J. Vera. An event-based architectural
definition language. IEEE Transactions on Software
Engineering, pp 717-734, September 1995.
- [MK96]
- J. Magee, J. Kramer. Dynamic structure in software
architectures. Fourth SIGSOFT Symposium on the
Foundations of Software Engineering, San Francisco,
October 1996.
- [Med96]
- Nenad Medvidovic. "ADLs and Dynamic Architecture
Changes." In Proceedings of the Second
International Software Architecture Workshop (ISAW-2),
pages 24-27, San Francisco, CA, October 14-15, 1996.
- [MQR95]
- M. Moriconi, X. Qian, R. A. Riemenschneider. Correct
architecture refinement. IEEE Transactions on
Software Engineering. pp 356-372, April 1995.
- [OMG96]
- Object Management Group. The Common Object Request
Broker: Architecture and Specification, Revision 2.0,
July 1996.
- [Ore96]
- P. Oreizy. Issues in the runtime modification of software
architectures. UC Irvine Technical Report
UCI-ICS-96-35. Department of Information and
Computer Science, University of California, Irvine,
August 1996.
- [OMT98]
- P. Oreizy, N. Medvidovic, R. N. Taylor.
Architecture-Based Runtime Software Evolution. To
appear in the Proceedings of the International
Conference on Software Engineering 1998 (ICSE'98).
Kyoto, Japan, April 19-25, 1998.
Available in postscript
and Acrobat
- [PW92]
- D. E. Perry, A. L. Wolf, Foundations for the study of
software architecture. Software Engineering Notes,
vol17, no4, October 1992.
- [PHL97]
- J. Peterson, P. Hudak, G. S. Ling. Principled dynamic
code improvement. Yale University Research Report
YALEU/DCS/RR-1135. Department of Computer Science,
Yale University, July 1997.
- [Pur94]
- J. Purtilo. The Polylith software bus. ACM
Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems.
vol 16, no 1, Jan. 1994.
- [Rei90]
- S. P. Reiss. Connecting tools using message passing in
the FIELD environment. IEEE Software. vol7, no4,
pp57-67, July 1990.
- [SRG96]
- L. Sha, R. Rajkumar, M. Gagliardi. Evolving dependable
real-time systems. IEEE Aerospace Applications
Conference. New York, NY, pp 335-346, 1996.
- [SDK+95]
- M. Shaw, R. DeLine, D. V. Klien, T. L. Ross, D. M. Young,
and G. Zelesnik. Abstractions for software architecture
and tools to support them. IEEE Transactions on
Software Engineering, pp 314-335, April1995.
- [TMA+96]
- R. N. Taylor, N. Medvidovic, K. M. Anderson, E. J.
Whitehead, J. E. Robbins, K. A. Nies, P. Oreizy, D. L.
Dubrow. A Component- and message-based architectural
style for GUI software. IEEE Transactions on Software
Engineering, pp 390-406, June 1996.
- [Tra93]
- W. Tracz. Parameterized programming in LILEANNA. Proceedings
of ACM Symposium on Applied Computing SAC93,
February 1993.
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