Updating the Course Library

From time to time I will ask you to update the course library, as I extend it, debug it, or add special functionality for the projects I assign. Please follows the steps below when asked to do so.

Courselib Updating

  1. Download and unzip the new courselib.zip file; the result is a courselib folder.

  2. Locate the workspace folder (typically C:\Users\yourname\cppworkspace for PCs and /Users/yourname/Documents/workspace for Macs) and copy the contents of the src folder in the new courselib folder that you downloaded and unzipped (its .hpp and .cpp files) into the src folder in the courselib folder in this workspace.

  3. Either click the Hammer icon or right-click the courselib icon in the Project Explorer tab and select Build Project. The build should finish successfully and the Debug folder in the courselib folder in the workspace should contain an updated libcourselib.a file.

  4. Now any new or old project that refers to courselib will use the new library: both its source files and compiled code.

    Note that to run old projects with the new library you will have to Clean and re-Build the project.