Office Hrs - Prof. Michael Dillencourt
- When to find me [Winter Quarter, 2024].
- Office hours for Winter Quarter, 2024: M 1:30- 2:30, F 1:30-2:30
- I am also available to answer questions after each lecture.
I will be either in the lecture hall or just outside the exit
(the exit in the front of the room, to the left as you face the
front of the room).
- On Tuesdays I will stay until 2:15 as long as there are students
who want to talk with me.
- On Thursdays I will stay until as long as there are students
who want to talk with me.
- Where/How to find me:
- Office: DBH 4086
- Mailing address:
Michael B. Dillencourt
Computer Science Department
University of California, Irvine
- Email: dillenco at ics dot uci dot edu
Last modified: January 18, 2024