Instructor: Aditi Majumder
Class Timings: W: 6:00pm-8:50pm
Email: majumder @
Class Format
We will be following a flipped class format. The lectures will be posted as videos to be watched at your convenience. The class time will be used as an office hour to address questions and clarifications.
1) Image Based Visual Computing
a) Convolution
b) Linear filters
c) Fourier Transform and Spectral Analysis
2) Geometric Visual Computing
a) Camera
b) Geometric Camera Model
c) Camera Calibration
d) Correspondence
e) Stereo Vision
f) Photometric Stereo
g) Epipolar Geometry
h) Structured Light
3) Radiometric Visual Computing
a) Measuring Light
c) Color
d) Shading
4) Visual Content Synthesis
a) Rendering Pipeline
b) Illumination and Shading
c) Texture, Bump and Environment Mapping
d) Shadows
1. Digital Image Processing (2nd Edition), Rafael C. Gonzalez, Richard E. Woods
2. Digital Image Processing: 3rd Edition, William K. Pratt
3. Computer Vision: A Modern Approach by David A. Forsyth and Jean Ponce
4. Three-Dimensional Computer Vision by Olivier Faugeras
5. Multiple View Geometry in Computer Vision by Richard Hartley and Andrew Zisserman
6. Computer Graphics with OpenGL, Prentice Hall, Hearn and Baker
7. Interactive Computer Graphics: A Top Down Approach Using OpenGL, Addison Wesley, Edward Angel
8. Introduction to Computer Graphics, Addison Wesley, J. D. Foley, A. van Dam, S. K. Feiner and J. F. Hughes.
9. Computer Graphics: Principles and Practice, Addison Wesley, J. D. Foley, A. van Dam, S. K. Feiner and J. F. Hughes
10. 3D Computer Graphics, Addison Wesley, A. Watt