Mahesh Mamidipaka, Dan Hirschberg, and Nikil Dutt, "Adaptive Low power address encoding using
self-organizing lists", IEEE Transactions on VLSI Systems (TVLSI) , Pages: 827-834, Volume:11, Issue:5, Oct. 2003.
Prabhat Mishra, Mahesh Mamidipaka, and Nikil Dutt, " Processor-Memory
Co-exploration using an Architecture Description Language", , ACM Transactions on Embedded Computing Systems (TECS) , Pages: 143-162 , Volume: 3, Issue:1, Feb. 2004.
Mahesh Mamidipaka, Kamal Khouri, Nikil Dutt, and Magdy Abadir, "IDAP: A Tool for High Level Power
Estimation of Custom Array Structures", IEEE Transactions on CAD (TCAD) (to appear in Sept. 2004).
Mahesh Mamidipaka, Satrajit Gupta, and Mahesh Mehendale, "Improving Area Efficiency of
Residue Number System(RNS) based implementation of DSP algorithms", Proc. Int'l
Conference on VLSI Design(VLSID), Goa, India (1999). (* BEST STUDENT PAPER AWARD)
Mahesh Mamidipaka and Mahesh Mehendale, "Improving performance of high precision signal processing
on programmable DSPs", Proc. IEEE Int'l Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS),
Orlando, Florida (1999).
Mahesh Mamidipaka, Mahesh Mehendale, and Sunil Sherlekar, " Low Power Realization of Residue Number
System based FIR Filters", Proc. Int'l conference on VLSI design(VLSID),
Kolkota, India (2000).
Mahesh Mamidipaka, Dan Hirschberg, and Nikil Dutt, " Low power address encoding using
self-organizing lists ", Proc. ACM/IEEE Int'l Symp. on Low Power Electronics and Design(ISLPED),
Huntington Beach CA (2001).
Mahesh Mamidipaka, Nikil Dutt, and Dan Hirschberg,"
Efficient power reduction techniques for time multiplexed address buses ",
Proc. 15th ACM Int'l Symp. on System Synthesis(ISSS), Kyoto (2002).
Mahesh Mamidipaka, Nikil Dutt, and Kamal Khouri, "A Methodology for Accurate Modeling of Energy
Dissipation in Array Structures", Proc. Int'l conference on VLSI design(VLSID),
New Delhi, India (2003).
Mahesh Mamidipaka and Nikil Dutt, "On-chip Stack based Memory Organization for Low Power
Embedded Architectures", Proc. of Design Automation and Test in Europe(DATE),
Messe Munich, Germany (2003).
Mahesh Mamidipaka, Kamal Khouri, Nikil Dutt, and Magdy Abadir, "IDAP: A Tool for High Level Power
Estimation of Custom Array Structures ", Proc. of Int'l Conference on Computer Aided Design (ICCAD),
San Jose, CA (2003).
Mahesh Mamidipaka, Kamal Khouri, Nikil Dutt, and Magdy Abadir, "
Analytical Models for Leakage Power Estimation of Memory Array Structures ",
Proc. of Int'l Conference on Hardware/Software and Co-design and System Synthesis
(CODES+ISSS), Stockholm, Sweden (2004).
Technical Reports
Mahesh Mamidipaka, Dan Hirschberg, and Nikil Dutt, "Encoding Techniques for
Low Power Address Buses", Technical Report, University of California, Irvine, 2001.
Prabhat Mishra, Mahesh Mamidipaka, and Nikil Dutt, "A Framework for Memory Subsystem
Exploration ", CECS Technical Report #02-19, University of California, Irvine, May 2002.
Mahesh Mamidipaka, Kamal Khouri, Nikil Dutt, and Magdy Abadir, "Leakage Power Estimation in SRAMs ",
CECS Technical Report #03-32, University of California, Irvine, Sept 2003.
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