Raymond Klefstad, Ph.D.

Associate Professor of Teaching

University of California, Irvine
Electronic Mail: klefstad(a)ics.uci.edu
WEB: http://www.ics.uci.edu/~klefstad/

|| Research Interests || Education || Academic Experience || Publications || Grants and Contracts || Honors and Awards || Teaching Experience || School Service || Departmental Service || Professional Activities || Expertise || System Development Experience || Students ||

Research Interests


Academic Experience



Reviewed Book Chapters

Refereed Journals

Refereed Conferences


Invited Talks

Grants and Contracts

Status Title Funding Agency Role (PI Percentage) Duration PI Amount (Total Award Amount) Salary per Calendar Year
complete "Components and Aspects for Embedded Middleware: Additional Conference Travel Support" NSF Embedded & Hybrid Systems (EHS) PI 4/20/06 to 5/20/08 $4,000 0 Mo
complete "Collaborative Research: Components and Aspects for Embedded Middleware" NSF Embedded & Hybrid Systems (EHS) Co-PI (50%) 9/1/04 to 9/30/08 $330,000 ($690,000) 2 Mo
complete "Optimizing Middleware Layers for Distributed Real-Time and Embedded Applications" Boeing Aerospace Inc PI 7/1/04 to 12/31/04 $50,484 4 Mo (35%)
complete "Asynchrony Optimization Patterns and Middleware for Middle-tier Servers" Unisys Corporation PI 7/1/04 to 12/30/04 $100,000 1 Mo
complete Multidisciplinary University Research Initiative (MURI) "Protocol Engineering Research Center" (PERC) (with professors from Stanford, UIUC, UCSB, UCD, UCSC, and UCI) Air Force Office of Scientific Research (AFOSR) Co-PI (12.5%) 10/15/03 to 10/15/05 $275,000 ($2,200,000) 1 Mo
complete "Optimizing Middleware Layers for Distributed Real-Time and Embedded Applications" Boeing contract part of Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) Program for Composition of Embedded Systems (PCES) PI 1/1/03 to 12/31/04 $803,000 1 Mo
complete "Transparently Fulfilling Scalability and Real-Time Quality-of-Service Requirements through Composition of Middleware Services" Space and Naval Warfare Systems Command (SPAWAR) PI 6/1/02 to 06/31/03 $150,000

Honors and Awards

Teaching Experience

Recent Courses Taught at UC Irvine (in the last three years)

  • ICS 31 Introduction to Programming
  • ICS 45c Programming in C++
  • ICS 51 Intro to Computer Organization
  • ICS 53 Principles in System Design
  • CS 141 / CSE 141 / In4MatX 101 Programming Languages
  • CS 143A Principles of Operating Systems
  • CS 142A Compilers and Interpreters
  • CS 253 / In4MatX212 Analysis of Programming Languages
  • Past Courses Taught

  • UCR CS 5 Introduction to Programming with Alice
  • UCR CS 6 Effective Use of the Internet
  • UCR CS 14 Data Structures and Algorithms
  • UCR CS 100 Software Construction
  • UCI EECS 10 Intro to Computer Science and Engineering
  • UCI EECS 129A Senior Design Project (First half)
  • UCI EECS 129B Senior Design Project (Second half)
  • UCI EECS 114 Engineering Algorithms and Data Structures
  • UCI ICS 21 Intro to Computer Science I
  • UCI ICS H21 Honors Intro to Computer Science I
  • UCI ICS 22 Intro to Computer Science II
  • UCI ICS 54 Operating Systems Programming
  • UCI ICS 141 Programming Languages
  • UCI ICS 142 Compilers & Interpreters
  • UCI ICS 145a Project in Compiler Construction
  • UCI ICS 147 Computer Network Programming
  • UCI ICS 125b Project in System Design
  • UCI ICS 80a Programming in Ada
  • UCI ICS 80j Programming in Java
  • UCI ICS 180a Object-Oriented Design and Programming (with C++)
  • UCI ICS 180b User-Interface Programming (with X11-Window System and C++)
  • UCI ICS 180c Advance System Programming (with Unix and C++)
  • UCI ICS 180j Internet Programming with Java
  • UCI Ext. Advanced C++ Programming and Object-Oriented Design
  • UCI Ext. UNIX System Programming with C++
  • Past Graduate-level Courses Taught

  • UCI CS 253 / In4MatX212 Analysis of Programming Languages
  • UCI EECS 219 Distributed Software Architecture and Design
  • UCI EECS 215 Design and Analysis of Algorithms
  • CSUSM CS 542 Design Patterns and Software Refactoring
  • Other Teaching Experience

    I have taught a variety of courses in industry including the following by title:

    I have taught these courses for the following companies and organizations:

    School Service

  • Phi Beta Kappa Nominating Committee for School of Engineering - 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007.
  • I served as an invited judge for the Society of Women Engineers “Mr. Engineer Talent Showcase.” - May 2015

  • Departmental Service

    Professional Activities


    System Development Experience

    Supervising and Advising

    Advised Ph.D. Students (who completed the Ph.D.)

    Former Students and UCI-DOC Lab Members

    Degree Committee Service